The Second Break

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Chu Yue immediately called for a long break. It would give everyone enough time to do some other activities like discussing their exams, maybe get a midnight snack, and have a nice, long rest.

Despite the sad mood from the viewing experience, everyone knew that the was nothing they could do about it. All they could do was look towards the future and try to work on things from there.

Some braver examinees wanted to use this break to try and brave their confinement rooms; if they could face their fears head on, then maybe, when they actually did their exams when they returned, they could be a bit more bold and daring in their actions.

Chu Yue accepted their reasoning, and called out, "May we have some Confinement Rooms as well?"

「Request for Confinement Room [5] approved. Amenities have been added and marked on the map.」

"Are they as secure as the ones in our System?" Zhao Jiatong couldn't help but ask, but got no response.

Chu Yue repeated her question.

「Instructions regarding amenities have been sent to your mobile devices.」 The system replied unhelpfully.

The invigilators cursed under their breaths. Qin Jiu dug his phone out and quickly seized through all the manuals, You Huo being too lazy to take out his own phone and peering over Qin Jiu's shoulder sleepily.

"Seems like Confinement Rooms are exact replicas of the ones we are used to. The only difference is that there is a console that allows for the Confinement Room to be targeted towards an individual, or to be deactivated and reactivated at will, in ten minute intervals."

You Huo and Chu Yue shared a look... and shrugged. That sounded good enough. It was likely that the examinees might take some time to get over their deepest, darkest fears, so being able to deactivate the rooms before they got too much was a pretty good idea.

Being able to go in groups to lessen the fear factor would also help in getting over their fears.

Overall, not too bad.

Most of the other examinees just wanted to discuss answers for their exams, and Gao Qi let them go without too much of a hassle, leaving just the invigilators in the room.

Only Chu Yue noticed You Huo glancing at 154 as he left along with the others, and Chu Yue nodded understandingly; Qin Jiu was busy skimming through all the other manuals he could find, out of curiosity.

"So... what now?" Zhao Jiatong asked curiously.

You Huo stood up with a hmph.

"Oh, have a nice sleep." Chu Yue waved casually, at him, eliciting a glare from Invigilator A.

Some invigilators were surprised that You Huo was actually going to sleep, for once, but Gao Qi had his priorities straight and asked, "Are you hungry? Should we kidnap 922 again to cook for you?"

Qin Jiu let out an amused laugh at that thought, but You Huo just waved him off and glided out of the room. Chu Yue stood up to follow him, and Qin Jiu waltzed out after them as well, saying he was hungry and was going to grab a snack.

"... So... what now?" The invigilators looked amongst themselves.


"I'm going to sleep." Someone muttered, standing up, "Too much in one day. I'll process all this later."

That seemed to sum up the day's events nicely, and was the trigger for all the other invigilators to file out of the room, either to talk, find something to eat, or just sleep.

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