[5] The Last Supper: Gift

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You Huo slouched over on the sofa. Crossing his two long legs, he nonchalantly played with his earring.

They couldn't help but take note of it. Invigilator A never care for jewelry, but whenever he was face with Qin Jiu... You Huo's first reaction seemed to be to fiddle with his earring... almost like they were somehow connected.

But that didn't make any sense; without this supernatural intervention that took away the System's control, Qin Jiu and You Huo, leaders of two opposing factions, would no doubt spend the rest of their days at each other's throats. And Qin Jiu wasn't such a coward, who would use such an underhanded tactic like possibly poisoning the earring to take You Huo out...

If it was poisoned anyways, You Huo knew better than to keep it on anyways.

Or maybe they were just thinking into it too much, and it was really just a regular earring.

Hearing Qin Jiu's words, he lifted his half-lidded eyes and it coldly swept past the other person's face before looking back down again.

No explanation, no reflection, no regard for him.

That just made You Huo and Qin Jiu sad all over again, mourning the loss of both of their memories. Qin Jiu quite liked his Big Invigilator... and they were getting along so well...

Meanwhile, You Huo just nursed his broken heart silently, privately; he really didn't like how coldly he was treating Qin Jiu. Sure, in that situation, it was understandable... but still...

This attitude of his was clearly the most difficult type to deal with.

The invigilators couldn't help but laugh. After being such a monster of a examinee and forcing You Huo to clean up after his messes, Qin Jiu was finally getting a taste of his own medicine.

Honestly, seeing an unrestrained You Huo who wasn't being held back by the System... it wasn't that surprising how well he and Qin Jiu got along. Two unrivalled demon kings, sitting upon their lofty thrones, creating so much chaos that the System would fucking cry...

Of course, that all depended on where You Huo and Chu Yue stood. Most of the moderates were all for destroying the System, and had only been holding back due to their own nostalgia to the old, less destructive System, as well as trying to prevent the System from outrightly destroying them all.

But whether the head invigilators were allies, or were still on the side of the System... they didn't have a clue. You Huo was tight lipped, and while Chu Yue was far more friendly and talkative than her buddy, she had such a way with words and could talk circles about any topic, and before they knew it, any talk of the System would somehow turn into a discussion about whether Qin Jiu was able to hold his alcohol, like his codename GIN suggested.

When 154 entered his boss's office, he felt a strong sense of suffocation.

"You were looking for me?"

There was an examinee in the room so 154's expression was even more serious. His words were accompanied by respect.

"What's the punishment for the second violation?" Qin Jiu slowly turned the pen in his hand and looked at him, "I haven't been here for a while, so I don't remember well."

"What kind of head invigilator doesn't know the punishments?" Gao Qi snorted.

"In my defense... does it look like anyone other than Big Invigilator would end up violating the rules again!?" Qin Jiu countered. Gao Qi couldn't find anyway to rebut that argument; most examinees who entered the confinement room the first time would be far, far more careful to avoid violating rules... some to the extreme of even being hindrances to their own teammates.

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