[21] Guess Who I am: Villager

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The middle-aged man couldn't help but glance towards Shu Xue, having (somewhat, and even that was being generous) gotten over the shock of knowing the fate of his future self...

It had been quite a while since he had last done the Romani exam, and he's pretty much tried (and failed) to banish all memories of that horrid, horrid exam to the back of his mind...

But didn't Shu Xue know Romani? Hadn't she been the one to translate it during his examination...

A foreign language that even a translation tool cannot recognize...

The system really it too far.

The examinees couldn't help but feel nervous.

Sure, the point of the exam was to get by without understanding the language... but still...

Who the hell would actually be using Romani? Couldn't the System be a bit more reasonable and choose a language that might actually be used practically?

"...What about the internet?" Yu Wen poked at his phone and was a little anxious: "Is it because the file I downloaded isn't enough? Would connecting to the internet help? Can the invigilator help with this?"

Everyone heard this and looked over at Qin Jiu.

This invigilator was standing in front of a shelf in the living room staring boredly at an incense burner. It was as if he had a pair of eyes on the back of his head. Without even turning around, he said: "The reward card wasn't drawn by you. What are you looking at me for?"

The examinees turned to the invigilators.

Qin Jiu shrugged, "Well I doubt there's a Romani language pack out there anyways. Would just be a waste of the Help Card."

"Well... If it wasn't Romani? Maybe if it was English or German?" Wen Yuan couldn't help but ask.

"You won't get internet access to download those language packs. I guess we might be able to help translate, but it would only be on a one time basis, since there's only one help card." Chu Yue tilted her head one way, then the other, "This is a pretty specific case. Considering how rare getting the Invigilator's Help card is anyways... the System probably didn't map out every single scenario where an examinee could ask for help. In the end, it's up to the System, really. It might allow it for one exam, and then try to patch it out as a loophole."

She paused for a bit, before laughing, "Internet is a pretty finnicky thing here. There is are internet cafes at Rest Stop 4, and we have internet at the waiting sector and the Invigilator's district, and even in the invigilator's temporary quarters, but in the exam centers themselves, you're blocked off. You can use the internet to search for things and find all kinds of information, but like we said just now... you can't send things out. If you prepared beforehand, you could probably pre-download any language packs in between your examinations."

"Just be careful, okay, baby examinees." Chu Yue winked cheekily, "Try to only use it as a last resort. The last thing we want is for everyone to exploit it and for the System to notice it, and patch it out. That would doom everyone who may not be taking Foreign Language immediately."

The smell of incense in the room was too strong.

He pried open the lid, picked out something charred and threw it aside. Throughout the entire process, his slender fingers fiddled with the burner and he didn't appear to be afraid of being burned.

The invigilators... they didn't like this 001. He looked like Qin Jiu... but it just wasn't the GIN they were all used to. The GIN they knew would, at least, try to leave some hints, or do his best to help the examinees, all the while trying to skirt the rules.

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