[70] Don't Close Your Eyes At Me: 2v2

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One tied up, one in uniform, and two in bed...

There wouldn't be a worse scene than this in their entire lifetime.


The invigilators all looked absolutely horrified.

"Two GINs!?" Gao Qi shrieked, his voice cracking as his eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets, the shock from seeing two You Huos and two Qin Jius slapping the previous revelation about Qin Jiu's initial motive for messing with You Huo right out the window, "Fuck, we are all doomed! Fucking doomed!"

"Hey! That's totally Big Invigilator's fault!" Qin Jiu pointed at You Huo, who just looked back at him with an unreadable expression, "He was the one who dreamed of me... past me?"

"If you weren't you, then he wouldn't be dreaming of you in the first place!" Gao Qi spat back.

"What does that even mean!?" Qin Jiu asked in bewilderment.

The one who speaks first suffers!

This was something anyone who was human would know.

And so, the atmosphere between You Huo and Qin Jiu remained tense. No one spoke up.

The others glanced between their You Huo and Qin Jiu, as they held their gazes steady.

Neither of them said anything, they just locked their gazes like they were having a stare down.

Finally, Qin Jiu broke the silence, as he smiled, "Well, this will be fun!"

You Huo closed his eyes and turned back to the viewing experience, "Of course you think this would be fun."

"Nah, nah. Think about it." Qin Jiu laughed, "The both of us can easily clear out whatever monsters. But with four of us..."

"You will break the exam center in half." You Huo dryly responded.

"Why not?" Qin Jiu snickers.


Yeah, why not?

It wasn't like You Huo cared about what happened to the exam anyways. Fuck the System, it can deal with that aftermath all on its own.

But unfortunately, there were two others in the room that aren't human.

The one bound with rope broke the silence: "What kind of game is this?"

He then paused. His eyes scanned over the person standing by the balcony door with an Invigilator A arm badge and he then looked over at You Huo.

"Oi, GIN, what are you up to?" A hardliner asked.

"Hmmm..." Qin Jiu observed his dream self, "If I were him... I'd think I'd be trying to figure out which Mr A is the real one. I know I'm in the System, and that there can't possibly be two Big Invigilators, but this exam can bring dreams to life, so it's quite likely that dream Mr A is as real as the real thing..."

Several invigilators nodded in understanding.

Yeah, that definitely made sense; trying to figure out the mechanics and the gimmicks of an exam center was already half the battle won.

After looking back and forth a few more times, he finally made a choice-

Sitting on the desk, he leaned forward with one foot in the chair. He raised his hands and said to You Huo who was sitting in bed: "Shouldn't you untie me first Big Invigilator?"

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