[88] Don't Close Your Eyes At Me: Curse Initiation

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I read a canonical short about how Gao Qi actually knew about You Huo being punished at the White Light District, not sure if other moderates knew... but Chapter 78: [73] Don't Close Your Eyes At Me: Violation Record is edited to reflect that change


The system said it very firmly.

But this non-human thing was still reluctant to keep silent and continued:

"Man, can we just like... install a silent mode on this fucker?" Someone complained, "Our phones have this function, why does this sophisticated program not have one!?"

"It probably thinks that it's too good for that." Another person snorted aggressively.

【Rule violation at the end of an exam is a very malicious act. According to my database, examinees like these have a tendency to search for loopholes and take advantage of it. To put it more simply, they're crafty and sly.】

"... The System makes it sound like a bad thing." A hardliner scratched the back of his head, "Isn't that the entire point of the exams?"

"Well, the exams are designed for military personally to work within the given boundaries... and such loopholes won't usually exist in the real world that isn't as staged as the exams." Invigilator F sighed.

Zhao Jiatong added, "Like in the Romani exam; sure, you could raze an entire village to the ground to deal with the zombie arms, but you are also destroying the homes of countless of innocents who don't know they're being used by the Black Widow, and may not be able to escape in time."

The examinees all nodded in understanding.

After all, the last thing they wanted were the deaths of more innocents...

You Huo didn't even look up. He treated the speaker as if it didn't exist.

He would often ignore the sound that would appear in his house from time to time and would only very occasionally utter a few words when required or when annoyed.

For the remainder of that time, he would treat the other party as air and go about normally with his life.


All the hardliners looked at You Huo with pity.

They resented the System, and may have resented You Huo as well, thinking him to be an avatar of the System, given how he barely reacted to anything that wasn't related to the strongest hardliner Qin Jiu.

But if the fucking System was this annoying and present in his life, even invading his home and privacy... no wonder he was barely fazed by anything.

You Huo couldn't even be himself in his own home, and the cold persona he put up in front of all the invigilators also had to be maintained in his apartment, where the System was always watching, always listening...

It was a miracle that You Huo had yet to go mad.

If the other party was a human, it would probably explode with rage from this kind of cold treatment.

Unfortunately, the other party wasn't.

No matter how similar it was, it wasn't.

Once again, You Huo and Chu Yue couldn't help but glance at 154, who was pressed up comfortably against Wen Yuan as the older looped an arm around him and leaned against the younger.

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