[56] You Seem Delicious: Auditory Hallucination

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Qin Jiu had once told 154 that if he saw Invigilator A again and somehow recognized him, he would return the other party with some critical condition notices and then ask them to stay away; to stop starting trouble.


Everyone just looked over at Qin Jiu.

"You know... no wonder he said that he almost met his death." A moderate rolled his eyes, "You terrified the poor kid!"

Wen Yuan just patted 154 on the head, snickering when he tried to retaliate by hitting his arm.

Those words were spoken truthfully, like it was natural for him to do that.

It had only been two years since.

Only two years...

That Invigilator A was now standing right in front of him.

"GIN, you better not do anything to hurt him..." Gao Qi grumbled threateningly, but Zhao Jiatong lobbed a pillow at him, "Stop being so childish! It's obvious by now that A and GIN aren't actually enemies!"

"Yeah, but 001 and A are!"

"Does it look like he's about to send A to the ICU?" Zhao Jiatong challenged, before adding, "And it's not like he could anyways. If any case, if those two fight, both of them would end up in the ICU and they know it."

She glanced over at the two great masters, as if challenging her to refute her statement. Zhao Jiatong was normally quite gentle, but she was one of the original invigilators for a reason, so she did know how to put her foot down.

You Huo just gave her the tiniest, miniscule shrug anyone could ever give, while Qin Jiu just laughed, his eyes shining with mirth.

He neither sent the other party to the ICU nor did he ask them to get lost.

"Hmph." Gao Qi crossed his arms, "He better not..."

The other invigilators just snickered at the grumpy invigilator. Old Gao Qi was just like that; he just took a bit more time to warm up to Qin Jiu.

The other party had instead invited him to tour the island together.

In a complicated mood, he considered refusing for a few seconds before eventually returning the other party with an "okay".

You Huo looked at Qin Jiu with a glaring expression.

You were going to refuse?

Qin Jiu resisted the urge to roll his eyes at his future self's stupidity, before he fluttered his eyelashes at You Huo and winked.

Of course not. Anyone would love to be with you, my dear.

You Huo had no idea how Qin Jiu could convey that entire message with such a simple gesture, especially that last part (my dear, your mum!), but he got the message loud and clear.


The descending dragon delivered ten slaps. Every slap was received by him.

You Huo rolled his eyes and Qin Jiu snickered.

You Huo handed the fire torch over.

Qin Jiu wordlessly received it.

He stood in place for two seconds before suddenly turning his head to the side and covering his face.

Noticing that he wasn't keeping up, You Huo stopped and asked: "What's wrong with you?"

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