[10] The Last Supper: Wine Glass

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While everyone was still in shock after seeing the question being refreshed, a sudden sound appeared in the cabin...

It sounded like sharp nails scratching across a wooden board.

There was some surprised shrieks from the examinees.

"What's going on!?"


Everyone's hair rose. They looked around searching for the source of the sound.

In this terrifying setting, no one dared to fall away from the group, so they only looked around while remaining in place.

Soon, someone cried out desperately: "Behind! It's behind me! Help..."

The one who cried out was the bald man.

The cursed seat. That was what was going on.

As unsettling as it was, the examinees heaved a sigh of relief. At least it was a part of the exam and wasn't some random malicious ghost of the hunter trying to take revenge or something.

He was the only one who didn't move over to the answering wall to join the others.

For the entire time, he sat alone at the dining table. As if paralyzed from his neck down, he remained huddled in the seat that he had selected.

The bald man had fainted earlier with fear because of the Hunter A but now he was scared awake by the scratching sounds.

"Hold on, please!" An examinee called out, "Are the chairs... pre-cursed? Because... like... that's not the plot of the exam..."

"Plot?" Some invigilators blinked in confusion.

Luckily, someone came to the first examinee's aid, "I did this exam... usually, at this point, everyone is supposed to have taken their seats for... you know..."

"Ah. You mean, now that the table is empty and that everyone else knows better than to sit down..." The invigilators shared a look, "The exam won't change the cursed seat to the one that already has a person in it, right?"

"It's not the seat that's cursed." Qin Jiu shared a glance with You Huo, before replying, "It's the wine glasses."

There was a sound of understanding across the examinees. As the placement of the wine glasses change, so too does the cursed seat.

"Oh! So it's like those online MCQ quizzes but they shuffle all the answers..."

With his face coated with snot and tears, he cried out with panic: "Behind me. Help me! Save me, please!"

"But there's no one behind you..." Yu Yao said in a quiet voice.

"Yeah, there's no one..."

When the bald man heard this, he cried even more fiercely.

They couldn't help but pity the bald man. Sure, he might be able to get up and move... but he had already taken a seat, and the hunter had already distributed the wine glasses. Even if the bald man could move... his fate was already sealed, dependent on the wine glass that sat several inches from his face.

No one dared to approach him. They could only desperately gesture at the bald man: "Don't just sit there! Hurry up and come over. Come here!"

"I can't move! This chair... I can't move. It has trapped me!" The bald man was so panicked, his words were almost incoherent.

"The chair!?"

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