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"Good. Because I got to say- it was a lot warmer with you next to me."

Oh gosh.
Was he pointing at the fact that he
had held me in his arms when we last slept in this bed together? Until now I had assumed that he wasn't aware of that, but the remark he had just made had me question my theory.
But I guess you could also just generally say that it really was warmer sharing a bed, even without any body contact. So I put the thought aside.

Anakin took his cloak and kind of threw it in the air, spreading it over both of us. Yes, the cloak was pretty large, but unfortunately not large enough for us both to be separated by more than half a meter. Otherwise, one of us would have been exposed to the coldness. And that kind of ruined my plans to keep my distance from Anakin in this bed. I just silently prayed that his dreaming self would not reach out to grab what was closest to him (which in this case would be me). It made me wonder if he had a stuffed animal in his quarters on Coruscant that he could hold onto while sleeping- if this really was a habit of his.

"Night, padawan." Anakin said with a low voice after he had stopped shuffling around and found his sleeping position lying on the back.

"Goodnight." I said plainly as I turned around to face the wall, mentally preparing myself for a looong process of falling asleep. Especially the last hour had stirred me up emotionally and so I kind of dreaded being left alone with my thoughts.

But to my surprise, once I had closed my eyes, it didn't take long for sleep to wash over me. There was just something about sharing the bed with another person and hearing calm deep breaths coming from them. Even if that person was my master.

Although I fell asleep rather quickly, my dreams were all but calm and peaceful. In fact, my dreams were as crazy as they could get.

First, I dreamed of my old master and how we were fighting a bounty hunter who had assassinated a senator. So far, so good, but then things escalated pretty quickly. The bounty hunter turned into Anakin who was now hunting me down. I tried to escape him but he kept on catching me. And there was nothing I could do to get rid of him.

Luckily, the scene shifted: to a dimly lit bar where I was playing piano in a band- and Anakin played the saxophone. While I hit the chords, he was playing a wild improvisation. I felt how much he loved being the star of the scene. The spotlight was on him and everyone cheered him on. But I had to admit that I, too, vibed with his  improv and the way the sounds of our instruments melted together.
After he had finished the interlude, he bowed to the crowd, then ran his hand through his sweaty hair, smiling cockily and flirting with the audience.
But soon enough, everything faded again.

The last part of my dream didn't involve Anakin. It involved my old master again. However, this time it wasn't a battle scene, instead, he and I were in a training room in the Jedi temple on Coruscant. It seemed that we had just finished training.

"Good job, Y/N, that was quite impressive.", he said with a warm smile on his face.

"Thanks, master. I owe it all to you though." And I really meant that. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be able to do half the things I could.

"Ohh Y/N, don't say that. Your true strength comes from within you. I can't teach you that. And that's why I am so proud of how far you have come all on your own.", he put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it. His eyes sparkled with fatherly adoration.

Touched by his words and honest belief in me, I just couldn't help myself and stepped forward to hug him. I knew it was sort of against the Jedi code to form such strong attachments and turn them into physical affection even, but that didn't matter to either of us at that moment. My master hugged me back just as tightly and lovingly as I hugged him.
And although it was all just a dream, it felt incredibly good and real.

A Cold Start - Anakin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now