déjà vu

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As I played the message on my comm-link and the sound of the sender's familiar voice filled my room, various emotions came over me. The initial moment of surprise quickly turned into a feeling of pure shock as I recognised who was speaking but still struggled to comprehend the words that were said. However, as the words’ meanings slowly penetrated my brain, panic and nausea quickly set in and, for a moment, all I could do was stand still and stare at the cursed comm-link in my cold hands.

“Ana- Anakin.”, I tried to call out with a shaky voice, but I wasn’t loud enough. He didn’t hear me trough the door.

“Anakin!”, I tried again, somehow unable to walk to the door to get him myself. It was as if the message had sucked all the energy out of my system.

Luckily, the door to my room opened a second later and Anakin came in. Once he saw my pale face and noticed how freaked out I looked, he slammed the door behind him shut and hurried over to me.

“Y/N, what’s wrong, baby?”

As Anakin's comforting arm wrapped around me, his voice filled with concern, my lips quivered, but no words escaped them. My mind felt trapped, overwhelmed by the weight of the message I had just heard. I desperately tried to find my voice, to articulate the fear and distress that I was feeling, but no words would come out when I opened my mouth.

Anakin's eyes searched mine, pleading for an explanation, for anything that would help him understand the sudden torment I was experiencing. His hand stroked gently up and down my back, his touch was comforting, but it wasn’t enough to calm my nerves.

“Hey, sit down, angel.”

Anakin guided me to the edge of my bed, his touch reassuringly warm against my skin. I obeyed his gentle command and allowed myself to be guided into a seated position. My trembling hands clutched onto the comm-link, the source of the distressing message.

Anakin knelt in front of me, his eyes never leaving mine and his expression a mix of worry and determination.

“Y/N, whatever it is, you can tell me. Are you overwhelmed because of what we did last night? Was it too soon, was I too rough?”, Anakin whispered, his voice filled worry. Blindly, he reached out and took my left hand into his, squeezing it reassuringly.

He was so concentrated on my face that he didn’t even take notice of the object in my other hand.

“N-no.”, I replied to his question. “I... He”, I managed to utter, my voice barely a whisper. But the words were swallowed by silent tears that cascaded down my cheeks and an uncomfortable burn in my throat.

Anakin's brows furrowed, his concern deepening. He gently wiped away my tears, his touch tender and full of affection.
“Whatever it is, we’ll figure it out.”, he whispered softly. “Please, just tell me what it is, so I can help you.”

My hand shaking, I held up the comm-link, finally bringing it to Anakin’s attention.

“A-another message.”

Anakin's gaze shifted from my face to the comm-link in my hand, his eyes narrowing as he recognized the device. His hand, still clasping mine, tightened slightly as he realized the significance of what I was holding, before he let go of my hand and took the device from me, his eyes quickly scanning its interface.

As he pressed the playback button, a silence fell between us, the room filled only with the tense anticipation of what the message held.

The familiar voice began to play once again, echoing through the small room. Anakin's eyes widened slightly in recognition, but he quickly tried to regain his composure as not to scare me even more. While he listened intently, I could see his jaw muscles clenching though.

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