just like that

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- Y/N's P.O.V.

Cool drops of water.
One after the other they ran down my cheek, up my forehead and into my hairline, sending shivers down my spine. One drop in particular ran dangerously close toward my eye. I groaned and blinked as if that would stop it from reaching my eye- and it actually worked and it ran toward my nose instead, but the cold little drop was forgotten at once anyway, because I was so surprised about the bright light that suddenly blinded me, when I blinked. It wasn’t the warm light of one of the galaxy’s many suns, but an artificial, cold one. I blinked a few times more to get a clearer vision of my surroundings. Where even was I? Only now did that question occur to me.

I was lying on a table of some sort in a windowless little room, right above me a bright clinical lamp. I lifted my head up some more and a thick ice pack slipped from my face and landed on the floor with a wet splat. Huh, interesting.

But I didn’t bother to pick it up from the ground. I wasn’t even sure why I’ve had it on my face in the first place, since the ice was wayyy too cold for me. In my thin white gown I was freezing enough already.

With great interest I studied the goosebumps on my arm. The hairs there stood straight up as if they were little soldiers lining up for roll call. Funny thing. But why were my wrists bandaged? I was pretty annoyed that I couldn’t bend my hands properly because of it.

Hold on a second...

All this time I’ve had a feeling that I missed something. An ice pack on my head, bandages around my wrists... I juggled the two pieces of information around in my head. Ice pack, bandages, ice pack, bandages.


I felt as if I had been struck by lightning.

But I was just there, how was I here now- and where even was ‘here’?

I flinched as a hydraulic door to my room slid open.

“I thought I heard something.” Anakin came in with a faint smile on his face.

Oh, right. Anakin! I knew there was something- or someone- else I had to remember.

“Hello.”, I said, a little bit perplexed.

“Hello?”, he raised his eyebrows and laughed, but I didn’t know what was so funny about my greeting.

“How is your head, Y/N? I’m glad you woke up.”, Anakin said, while standing beside the table now and looking down at me. With the knuckle of his finger he gently stroked my right cheek.

But what kind of question was that for him to ask me!?

“...pleasant, I hope? But how would I know? I mean... uhm, I don't have any experience. And besides, I think we’ve got a lot more important things to take care of right now.”, I told him truthfully, but I could feel myself blushing.

“What? Oh... No- No, no.”, he laughed again and I felt offended. Inexperience was nothing to be ashamed of, how rude of him to make fun of that.

“That’s, that’s definitely not what I meant. I mean, don't worry I’m more than sure you’d be just wonderful, but no. I wanted to know how your head is feeling.”

I wanted to answer, but he beat me to it.

“-Wait, actually, let me rephrase that again, I wanted to ask: Do you feel any pain in your head right now?”

“Ohh, that’s what you mean.”
Why didn’t he say that right away?

“My head is fine.”, I automatically replied. And when I gave it another honest thought, I really didn’t feel any pain. Just a muted buzzing, but nothing crazy.

A Cold Start - Anakin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now