not / enough

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It felt incredible to be fully independent again. I took in the infinite expanse of space before us while Anakin set the small ship that had been provided for us on course so that we could soon jump into hyperspace. This was the start of something new, I could feel it. With Anakin by my side and my lightsaber back on my belt in a ship far away from the fiasco on Ondaria, anything seemed possible now.

“You ready?”, Anakin looked over to me.

“Yeah, let’s get out of here.”, I smiled, before Anakin pulled the lever and I was pressed into my seat.

Instantly, the little white dots of the stars far in the distance were stretched into long bright lines as we travelled faster than the speed of light through the galaxy. From this point on, the ship could be put into auto-pilot for the next few hours. The medcenter was situated in a secret location near the outer rim where there were a lot of front lines and hence wounded clones. Coruscant, on the other hand, was right in the centre of the galaxy, meaning it would take us a bit to get there.

“Did you recognise the model of this ship?”, Anakin suddenly asked.

“Uhm no, I haven’t really paid much attention to what ship we were getting on. What kind of ship is this?”

“It’s similar one to the ship we were trapped in. Just a bit more... well, modern and functioning.”, Anakin enlightened me.

I let my gaze roam through the cockpit and noticed that it really did look quite similar to the one of the old ship.

“Wow, that’s really funny... And so much has changed since then...”, I said, immediately getting a hundred different flashbacks of our time in isolation.

“Yeah... We should definitely retire to the little back room with the bed later, for the full experience... If you know what I mean.”, Anakin said shamelessly and smirked at me.

I shook my head and laughed. To my surprise he left it at that and no one said anything for a while. It was a comfortable silence.

Eventually though, I turned my head slightly and watched Anakin lean back in his seat and stretch out his long legs. His arms were crossed behind his head in a relaxed manner and his eyes were gazing dreamily at the flashing lights of hyperspace around us. My own eyes, on the other side, were dreamily fixed on Anakin’s shapely profile. The flickering lights illuminated his face and brought out the greyish blue of his eyes even more; his eyes that were perfectly framed by thick dark eyelashes.

My gaze wandered further down, lingered for a moment on his slightly parted lips, and then moved on to his Jedi attire that he was wearing again. Over his brown robe he wore a long black leather waistcoat held in place by a wide belt to which his lightsaber was attached. His clothes perfectly accentuated his naturally broad shoulders and his slim waist. On his feet he wore his heavy black leather boots again, which always added even more expression to his menacing step- the step with which he always approached me and intimidated me at first.

I used to absolutely hate his entire look.

In retrospect, it was probably because his Jedi attire looked so good on him and underlined his attractive features, but also his overwhelmingly dominant character. And today was the first time I could admit it to myself, without despise or feeling wrong about the thought:

Anakin Skywalker was an incredibly attractive man- with casual clothes on and even more so with his jedi attire. He just looked so damn good.

“What?”, Anakin suddenly turned to look at me.

Did I just say that out loud?


“Didn’t you just say ‘so damn good’?”, he cocked a brow.

A Cold Start - Anakin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now