A new perspective

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TW: mentioning of death/ suicidal thoughts

"Or maybe, Y/N, we could talk about something other than our pasts. Don't sleep just yet."
He reminded me of an innocent child when he said that. Where had his assertive tone gone?

Something about that made me give in.

"Fine, what do you want to talk about?" I turned back around to face him.

"You're the creative one of us so I thought that you'd come up with something you've been dying to know about me.", his voice had gone back to its usual confidence.

"I'm not dying to know anything about you!", I declared, my face reading strong disapproval.

"C'mon, Y/N, there must be dozens of information about your master that you're burning for!"

"You wish.", I shook my head.

"I know it.", Anakin said with a smug expression.

He was not completely wrong. But what I was indeed dying to know were all things, that would instantly ruin my mood if I'd actually ask him any of my questions.
So instead of asking him such things like 'why don't you care about me like a master should', 'what have I done to you?', 'what has been done to you to be like that?' and so on, I just decided to resort to some silly questions to ridicule him.

"You know what? You're right, Anakin. I've been burning, no, dying to know what you do to maintain that hairstyle of yours? Is that messiness right now intended?"

"I'm glad you ask! It all comes natural to me actually. You could say I was born this way- destined to look irresistible.", he looked me into the eyes and ran his left hand through his mane, creating a dramatic wave with the front parts of his hair.

I just raised my eyebrows at him as to demonstrate him that I didn't see what he saw.

He seemed unbothered by that but didn't say anything for a good minute.

"So... besides your obvious passion for your master, what is something you're passionate about outside of your padawan life?

Oh, so he really was serious about having a real conversation with me.

"Uhm..", I took a moment to think about that. It's not like I had a lot of freetime to pursue any special activities or hobbies. But of course, there was one thing I had ways enjoyed.
"Music. I love to make music.", I stated.

"So you like to sing?"

"Force, no. I'm a terrible singer, but I play a few instruments. And if I don't have any instruments at hand- which is most of the time- I like to at least listen to the bands playing in the bars."

"Huh, I really didn't know that about you.", Anakin said.

"I doubt you know me at all.", I shrugged.

"Trust me, my padawan, I know you more than you'd think." Now, that's concerning.


"Are... the dirty bars on Coruscant then where you spend your nights when you sneak out of your room?", he asked me in a quieter voice.

Whoops. So he knew. Why had he never said anything? Because although I've always been extra careful that no one noticed my absence when I snuck out, he seemed to have been aware of it all along. I guess now that he had guessed it correctly, he might as well know the truth.

"Yes, that's where I am. I know it's not a place for a padawan to spend the nights, but I really like the type of Jazz playing in these bars. Also, I strictly avoid strip clubs of course."

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