pulling me in

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-Not that star wars was ever very realistic- but please ignore all laws of physics for this chapter :)


The time had come.

The belt around my torso pressed me firmly into the seat of my starfighter. I had my communication device around my head, ready to receive the signal from Anakin. Spellbound, I stared at the still-closed hangar gate in front of me. As soon as we exited hyperspace, it would open and we would finally catch sight of Grievous' ship and start our attack.
I turned my gaze to the left. Pax, the pilot next to me, was staring ahead just as intently as I was before. Everyone was highly focused and in their own world of mental preparation. It couldn't be much longer. I could already feel the adrenaline rising inside of my blood. My hand was clasping the lever in front of me, ready to pull it back and start my ship at any second.


Anakin's voice sounded inside the small space of my starfighter.
Was something wrong?

"Yes, master?", I answered into the little microphone close to my mouth. I wish I could see his ship from my position inside the hangar, but he was too far away.

Anakin cleared his throat.
"You can call me whatever you like, but just know this isn't the open frequency I'm using right now. Only you can hear me."


No 'master' then.

"I just wanted to say... take care, alright?"

"You're the reckless pilot, not me.", I reminded him, smiling to myself.
It was very sweet that he wanted to reach out to me before we started and I appreciated his concern.

Anakin chuckled on the other end of the line.

"You know what they say, fortune favours the bold, baby."

"Exactly, Anakin. The bold, not the reckless.", I corrected him.

"Makes no difference to me. I just wanna get the damn job done. And I hope you can keep up with me?", he challenged.

"Oh, I'll make sure to give you something good to watch.", I shot back, feeling a thrill of excitement course through me.

But to my surprise, Anakin didn't go along with our banter.

"I was just kidding, Y/N. Didn't wanna provoke you. So I'd much rather you saved that promise of yours for our private quarters... Just be careful, yeah?"

I shook my head and grinned. Only he could express concern and throw in something witty, or inappropriate, at the same time.

Suddenly though, the hangar gate began to open, slowly revealing the vast expanse of space outside.

"You too.", I quickly replied and refocused on the mission.

My heart began to race as I pulled the lever back, feeling the starfighter's engines hum to life. My eyes were searching for Grievous' ship as the gate opened inch by inch.

And then, suddenly, there it was. The massive vessel loomed ahead of us and I felt instantly very small inside my own starfighter. I hoped I wouldn't this mess up. It had been a while since I last flew myself.

"Let's show Grievous what we are made of!", Anakin's voice spoke up again.

This time it was obvious that he was using the open frequency that all the clones could hear. And only seconds later, a starfighter with yellow accents on its wings flew through the widening gap of the gate in front of us. His starfighter.

I waited until the men in front of me in the v-formation were outside, before I myself flew through the now completely open gate as well. I accelerated as hard as my ship allowed me to to follow the others. As always, Anakin set an insanely fast pace as he raced towards the bridge of Grievous' huge ship, as discussed in the briefing. The plan was that we would aim our fire there first to draw attention to ourselves, before we would try to damage the ship's engines so that Grievous could not escape so easily (even though it was generally very unlikely that he would prefer an escape to a fight).

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