fully devoted

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Before Anakin and I broke away from each other, quite a while had passed. It just felt too good to be held and caressed by him, to feel his warmth and to have his little words whispered into my ear. But at some point, unfortunately, it was time to leave his arms, because Anakin insisted that I should lie back down now. But his warmth was the best medicine for me! During our embrace, I hadn’t spent a second thinking about my throbbing head, because all the serotonin and oxytocin in my system acted as natural painkillers, couldn’t he understand that? And so I protested.

“I don’t wanna lie down in my bed again! What’s the point?”

“Y/N, as much as I would love to hold you until the nurses come in and tear us apart, I can feel that you’re still pretty weak on your feet. So please lie down again? I’ll sit by your bed and stroke your head again if you want me to. Maybe you can even sleep a little.”, he said, his one hand resting on my shoulder, the other brushing the hair out of my face.

I let out a sigh.

“Well... if you say it like that... I think we’ve got a deal.”, I said, giving in to his tempting offer. And maybe he was right- I would never admit that- but I really was still a little bit weak on my feet. And so I turned around and crawled back onto my bed.

“I knew you’d be a good business partner and make the smartest decision.”, Anakin said, spreading the white duvet over my body, once I was lying in the right position.

“I’m not just a business partner- I am your boss.”, I corrected him sassily, while he sat down beside me. His flesh hand found my head.

“You? My boss? Oh, I beg to differ, my padawan.”

Oh please.

The ‘I’m your master, you must obey me’- thing really got old. So, I let out a sarcastic laugh in response to it.

But then, all of a sudden, his warm hand on my skin was gone. And wouldn’t come back either.

-what the hell?
I opened my eyes.

“Uhm?” I looked at Anakin expectantly. Who told him he could just stop?

“Yeah? Do you need anything?”, he lazily stretched his arms and yawned heartily.

“Uh- yes?”

“What do you need? Tell me.”, his eyes were fixed on me now.

“Your hand!?”

“Where?” He smirked.

It was no secret that Anakin took way too much pleasure in teasing all the unnecessary details out of me.

“In my hair, Anakin!”

“Oh yeah? Is that so?”, he cocked his eyebrow. “Why.”

Calm down, Y/N, breathe.

“’Cause it feels so good?”, he continued in a low voice, when I didn't answer right away. “...’Cause I’m doing it?”

Why did he even need me to say it out loud so badly when it was clear that that was the reason. He was so full of himself and I had enough!

“MINUTES AGO you were soo worried about me and my concussion and now you wanna give me an extra headache?”, I asked him, annoyed.

“I’m very sorry, Y/N, I was just kidding...”, he let out a deep chuckle, “I’ll make it up to you now, okay?”

“You better not disappoint your boss again! Cause it’s a real privilege that you even get to do this.”, I reminded him jokingly as I closed my eyes again and waited for Anakin’s hand to finally touch me again.

A Cold Start - Anakin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now