too bad

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A strange sound got me snapping out of my trance-like state and lifting my heavy head to see what was going on. Katzo, who had been impatiently pacing through the room for a while now, stopped in his tracks as well and spun around to face the door where the noise was coming from. Suddenly, I was wide awake and focused again as I anticipated what would happen next. The strange whirring sound grew louder and louder and a few seconds later, the great mystery of what was causing the noise was solved, when a blue light pierced through the door, causing the metal to glow and melt at the hot puncture point.

Clearly the work of a lightsaber.

My heart beat faster as the laser slowly cut a large rectangle into the door's surface. Knowing what was coming next, Katzo took a big step aside, just in time, before a big sturdy leather boot kicked the loose piece of metal in the door with full force, sending it flying into the room. With a loud crash, it landed on the floor, leaving a big hole in the door.

From the darkness beyond it, a tall figure emerged. It didn’t come as a great surprise who that person was, but my heart skipped a beat anyway upon seeing him. Of course it was Anakin, his face contorted with rage. The blue lightsaber in his hand crackled with furious energy, illuminating his body with its vibrant glow. Anakin’s eyes burned with a fiery intensity, and his once light brown locks were now dishevelled and matted with sweat.

Anakin surveyed the room, his gaze falling upon Katzo, and then me- in shackles and with burned skin around my left collarbone. His anger only seemed to intensify at the sight of me.

Anakin...”, I mouthed his name, but he didn’t see it, because he turned to look at Katzo.

“YOU!”, he bellowed, his voice filled with raw emotion. “What have you done?!”

Katzo chuckled. “Ah, the other lovesick fool, there we have him! And what an entrance he made. Bravo!”, he nodded his head in admiration. “But the door was unlocked- by the way.”

At that last remark, Anakin's anger reached its boiling point, his fury literally consuming him. Without a moment's hesitation, he stepped through the door and lunged at Katzo, his lightsaber swinging through the air.

Katzo, though armed with my lightsaber, was caught off guard by Anakin's ferocity. But he fought back and dodged Anakin’s strikes, with agility at first. But the weight of his opponent’s anger proved too much for him to overcome. Anakin’s raw power and years of combat experience gave him the clear upper hand. And as the duel raged on, Katzo’s defences faltered, and after a particularly hard strike from Anakin, my lightsaber flew out of Katzo's hand- he was disarmed. But instead of raising his hands above his head and begging for mercy, Katzo just clapped his hands slowly.

“Well done, loverboy! And thank you for proving your skill and high market value to me. Looks like you’re really worth all of my work and efforts to get you here.”

Anakin let out a growl and pressed his lightsaber dangerously close to Katzo’s throat, a chilling reminder of the consequences that hung in the balance. But Katzo didn’t look bothered by that whatsoever.

“You think this changes anything, Anakin? I don’t need a weapon to get what I want.”

I could sense that there was more to Katzo's words than mere bravado. Something sinister lurked beneath his smug facade. And when he raised his hand revealing his wristband and the small device on it, he made his point clear.

“You see this?”, his finger touched a small button on the device. “I just have to press this down and our little sugar over there receives an electric shock so strong that her little heart stops beating. Should I give you a little taste first or do you believe me?”

A Cold Start - Anakin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now