his (imaginary) rival

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"You're out of your mind, Anakin. No one is trying to seduce me! But fine, you control freak, if work allows it, you can come along with me tomorrow. But I'm telling you, if that woman sees us three in that room, she will get crazy ideas."

"I don't care. Who is she to judge a little ménage-à-trois?" Anakin shrugged. "Not that I would ever allow that to happen.", he quickly added, immediately ruling out the option.

"Allow that?", I huffed and raised my eyebrows accusingly. Who did he think he was to be in a position to allow or forbid anything?

"Obviously. Did you think I would tolerate a third party getting between the two of us, let alone allow it to even get to that point? Nah. Not by some 'tall, friendly and bright-eyed'-Kindon guy anyways."
Anakin leaned his head against the wall behind us and it seemed that for him all of this was self-explanatory, the natural way of how things needed to be handled. And poor Kindon played his victim in all this.

"Anakin?", I asked.

"At your service, honey bun. What's up?"
He gave me a bold teethy grin as I turned to look at him in a mixture of surprise, horror and confusion. For a second I was truly lost for words but then I remembered what I had been meaning to say.

"You are absolutely delusional."

With that I got up from the mattress of his bed and climbed up the latter to my own bunk, ready to call it a day.
There was no blanket or anything- of course not- but I couldn't care less. I was too tired to be bothered by that and it didn't take long until I found a comfortable sleeping position. But the peace I felt was short lived.

"No claiming of your reward then?", Anakin's voice filled the little room.

I was debating whether to reply to that at all because I knew that this conversation wouldn't be heading anywhere reasonable, but then he mentioned the word 'reward' and I was curious about what for force's sake he'd come up with this time.

"And what would that be about again? The reward I mean.", I eventually asked in a tired voice.

"It could mean whatever you wanted it to mean, Y/N, but first of all this is about you wanting to sleep in the bottom bunk- my bunk that is.", he clarified. "And because you found... the contact person, I said I'd be willing to let you sleep here."

Oh, the sharing-his-bunk-thing again. Not a chance.

"Yes, you did say that. But now you're forgetting to mention the catch in all this."

"I wouldn't exactly call it a catch, but I would say I come as a little side condition, a bonus if you will.", he said.

"How is it a bonus to have you squeezed next to me when I could sleep there alone instead? The bed isn't exactly made for two."

"But you could look at it from another perspective- there are no blankets here and... well... you've used me as your pillow before... and I wouldn't mind serving that purpose again is all I'm saying."

I was glad that Anakin couldn't see me right now, because I could feel the blood rushing to my face and my cheeks getting hot. Anakin was right. That actually did happen. But as of right now I didn't know if I was really up to sleep so close to him again, eventhough I knew Anakin's intentions were innocent at heart. Finally, I decided that I wasn't up to it, especially since Anakin was behaving like a control freak and because we hadn't gotten any closer in any way that would justify the sharing of beds.
So I told him.

"I think I'm good in my own bunk. Thanks for the generous offer though."


"Okay... Have a good night then, Y/N."

A Cold Start - Anakin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now