buckle up

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At 7 o'clock sharp, I found myself in front of Anakin's room- exactly as it had been requested in his sweet little note to me.

The last hours I had not been very productive with my studies in the archives. I couldn’t properly concentrate anymore because I was just that curious about what Anakin had planned for the two of us for tonight. We had never done anything together outside of a mission, which made me all the more excited for what appeared to be our first actual date.

‘I’m gonna take you out tonight.’

That sentence could mean a lot of different things. A lot of different places and a lot of different activities- but I guess I was about to find out what Anakin had come up with soon.

Despite everything that had recently been going on with Katzo, I wasn’t worried about going out with Anakin. This morning, we had made the deal not to let fear consume us any longer. We had promised ourselves to make the most out of our situation. And even though I knew Anakin was serious about that promise, I would have never imagined him to plan a date for us on the same day. But I guess he simply was a man of his word and that’s what I loved him for.

Anakin’s door opened and I was instantly greeted by his signature smirk.

“Ah, right on time. Knew I could count on you.”, he said.

I couldn't help but smile back at him, feeling my heart skip a beat at the mere sight of him leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed over his broad chest.

“Well, you know me.”, I replied, matching his playful tone. “Punctuality is my jedi virtue.”

Anakin let out a sarcastic cough.

“Oh, punctuality is your jedi virtue, Y/N? Since when? Remember how many times I had to make you stay an extra hour for every minute you were late for training? But before you come at me- I get it, you just wanted to spend more time with your handsome master.” His smirk turned into a full on toothy grin.

I shook my head. “Oh very funny, Anakin. And just so you know: I still don’t forgive you for that.”

Anakin chuckled lightly.
“Oh, come on, Y/N. You know I was just trying to help you to become the best jedi you can be. Besides, it wasn't all bad. You did get the privilege of learning from the best and spending more time with me after all.”

Now he was becoming arrogant again and I couldn't help but playfully roll my eyes at him.

“Ah, yes, what a privilege it was.” I replied sarcastically, “I'm forever grateful for those extra hours of your ‘wisdom’ and ‘guidance.’”

Anakin raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Well, if you don't appreciate my 'wisdom' and 'guidance,' then maybe I should reconsider our date tonight. Maybe I should take someone else who can truly appreciate my expertise.”

Ugh. He was such an annoying tease.

“Oh, no, Anakin Skywalker. Don't you dare try to back out of this now. I won't let you escape that easily.”, I poked my finger into his hard chest.

Anakin raised his hands in defence. “Alright, alright. Let’s go then... if you’re that eager.”, he winked at me.

With that he led me up to the landing plattform of the temple. The sky and the setting sun looked so pretty this evening. A cool breeze blew through my hair as I followed Anakin to a little inconspicuous ship that was parked on the side of the plattform. He helped me to climb into it, before he jumped into the seat next to me and started the engine.

“Seatbelt, Y/N.”

“Right, I forgot about your flying style.”, I said and fastened the belt around my body.

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