Back to everything and nothing

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Anakin was in the process of trying to establish a connection with the ship approaching from hyperspace, while I was trying to activate the deflector shields- just in case the foreign ship wasn't one that Obiwan had sent for our rescue.
But unlike the ship's canons that had already proven their functioning and usefulness, the shields seemed to be affected by the partial power failure that had crippled our ship days ago. Because when I pressed the right buttons on the control panel, nothing happened to my frustration.

"Oh come on!"

But a few moments later it was too late anyways because with only little distance to us a mid-sized ship appeared.
My heart began to race. I couldn't yet decide whether it was of fear or excitement to potentially be rescued. Finally.

"Don't shoot or anything. Let them come.", Anakin told me as the foreign ship was approaching us slowly.

It was clear now that whoever was behind it, wasn't here by coincidence. (Also considering how far out we were stranded and that there was hardly any reason for a ship to be flying by).
While that gave the hope for it to be Obiwan's men, I reminded myself that there was always the option that it wasn't.

It wouldn't be too unlikely for there to have been some sort of betrayal that had given away Anakin's and my position to separatists or bounty hunters. And I bet there was a good sum of credits on each of our heads with all the confidential information we had. But, of course, being Jedis alone was always reason enough to be chased.

So despite Anakin's command, I kept my finger near the shooting button. Just in case.

"It's really annoying that we can't make a connection with them, isn't it?.", I commented when I saw that Anakin had given up trying.

"I suspect that it's not necessarily them blocking the signal, but rather our ship that is the problem. It won't work anymore." 

That seemed plausible. After all, it was only a matter of time until the power issues would widen and affect other areas outside of the ship's engines and heating system as well. And it seemed this time had come.

But there was not much more time to think of such things, for the ship opposite of us was coming closer and closer.

Suddenly, Anakin came up with something.
"Y/N, go to the little storage room and see if there are binoculars. Maybe we can see into their cockpit."

"Yes! We do have them on board!"

Why didn't I think of that? I knew that this ship had binoculars since only a few days ago I had studied the inventory list and organized everything in an attempt to avoid Anakin.
Quickly, I hurried to the little backroom and got them for us and then threw one to Anakin.

Immediately, we looked through the glasses to see who was controlling the other ship.

Relief spread through me as I recogonized the person standing inside the cockpit.


It seemed so surreal seeing him, but it was him, without a doubt. His fingers were scratching his beard in his signature thinking position. Everything was going to be alright now, this time I knew it!

"Now, that was about time.", Anakin simply said and I agreed.

It wasn't long before we no longer needed the binoculars. Obiwan's ship was so close now that we could see him without any technical help. I waved happily at him. He seemed relieved to see us and, nodding at us, too, raised a hand to greet us.
I could imagine that it must have been scary for him not to be able to reach us which I'm sure he had tried before. After all he couldn't know that our communication system was broken and so we might as well have frozen to death.

A Cold Start - Anakin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now