Sulat (2)

117 6 0

December 19, 1980s

Philippines - Leonor "Leni" Gerona

"Habulin mo akoooo!" Leni yelled over to her friend as she ran around in the farm, under the hot sun that almost burnt their skin. They were harvesting the fruits that had finished growing- with her friend carefully doing her job while Leni herself tried to make their work seem fun.

"Halika na nga dito! Wala talaga akong energy na habulin ka." Risa said. When Leni ignored her, she yelled at her again, "Hoy! Tumigil ka dyan sa kakatabo mo, baka madapa ka!" 

Leni just laughed at her, "Hindi! Maayos tong sinuot ko sa paa ko, hindi mangyayare yung nangyare kahapo-" And before she could finish her sentence, Leni tripped- her body collapsing against a nearby tree that sent Bananas flying down at her head.

"HAY NAKU!!" Risa panicked and quickly rushed over to her friend, who was now on the ground, dirty and probably hurt. "Okay ka lang ba?" She asked.

Leni sat up, brushing the dirt off of her dress. She smiled, as if nothing happened to her, "Oo! Okay lang ako, ano ka ba! Nahulog lang naman eh. Marami nang beses sa buhay ko na nahulog ako pero di naman ako sinalo."

Risa's facial expression told Leni that she really cringed at what she told her. "Ha?..."

"Joke lang!" Leni giggled as she got up, taking a leaf out of her hair. Risa raised an eyebrow, "Wala ka nga naging jowa sa buong buhay mo, tas naghuhugot ka dyan. Feeling experienced ka talaga!"

Leni playfully rolled her eyes, "Che! Basta, pag nakahanap ako ng asawa, hindi niya ako sasaktan! Kaya doon ako titigil na maghugot."

"Sus, mauunahan pa kita." Risa said as she picked up her wool basket from the ground. 

"Hindi nga! Ano, bet tayo?" Leni smirked.

Risa shook her head, laughing, "Hindi. Matatalo ka lang at masasayang ang pera mo."

"Risa naman eh!"

"Eh, kunin nalang natin yung mga saging dito at baka pagalitan nanaman tayo ni madam!" Risa joked about Leni's aunt, who always acted like their boss, which is why they gave her the nickname 'madam'. The woman didn't really treat the girls nicely, despite the fact that they worked for her everyday without pay. But Leni and Risa didn't really mind it, since they were being given a home to live in- they considered that enough pay for what they did.

The two young ladies got to work. They plucked the bananas off the trees, putting them into their wool baskets. Leni would ocassionally joke at how delicious the bananas looked, while Risa took her seriously and tried as hard as she could to stop Leni from eating anything. They would only get into trouble if they dare touched a single fruit. 

"Uy, kung gusto mong kumain niyan, pababayarin ka nun. Alam mo naman na mas mura doon sa kabila kaysa sa mga binebenta ni Aling Marta." Risa warned Leni.

Leni laughed, "Wow, pino-promote mo talaga yung kalaban natin?"

Risa shook her head, "Kalaban lang ng tita mo yun, pero hindi kalaban ko. Mabait kaya si Aling Susan! At mas masarap pa yung mga prutas na binebenta niya."

"Oo, sige." Leni smiled as they worked.

A question suddenly popped up in Risa's mind, "Huy, may tanong lang ako sayo."

Leni looked at her curiously, "O, ano?" She felt slightly nervous.

"Okay ka lang ba ngayon? Hindi lang sa mga biro biro mo pero, mukhang malungkot ka. May nangyare ba? Kung okay lang, pwede mo namang sabihin lahat sa akin."

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