Don't miss me (2)

243 11 2

Bongbong's POV

"I don't..."

Before anything else could happen, I suddenly woke up from what felt like a long sleep. I was having a nightmare, only the scenes that played in my mind during my sleep were from reality.

I sat up on my bed, the light of the morning sun harshly hitting my eyes, which caused me to look away from my widely opened curtains for a moment.

Today is an almost-wonderful day, which was disturbed by the things that happened the night before.


Flashback - Third Person

"I don't..."

Before any of them could say anything else, a car parked in front of Leni,

"For Leonor, po?" The taxi driver asked, and Leni nodded in response. She quickly got in and shut the car door, but before she left, Leni looked at Bongbong through the window.

It was as if her eyes were speaking to him, trying to tell him something important, but of course he couldn't make out what that message was.

Was it perhaps, a 'sorry'?

They just stared at each other for a while, as Bongbong stood on the street while Leni had her sight on him from inside of the vehicle. The moment ended too soon when Leni looked away from him, and seemed to be speaking to her driver, telling him where to go.

The car drove away from where Bongbong stood not long after, and he turned to watch the car as it left him.

Unexpectedly, Leni turned around, and front he taxi's back window, she looked at Bongbong again and gave him a sad smile, while she waved goodbye at him.

He stood there, wishing that she would come back to him and never leave him again.



I can't stop thinking about it- how could I be so stupid to tell Leni how I felt about her? Now, not only was there no romance, but there wasn't the same friendship either. Had I officially lost her?

I got up and quickly made my bed, before heading to the bathroom to start my morning routine. I can't say for sure that I completely regretted telling her the truth about my feelings, because at least, for once in my lifetime, I told her that I loved her. That seemed to be enough.

I faced my mirror, looking at my reflection as I was deep in my thoughts. I thought,

Ano ba ang iniisip mo? Of course it's not enough...

Was I really going to give up on the woman I loved most?

Not without a fight.

Even if I lose a million battles, I still wouldn't give up on her.

I sighed, "Teka, sinabi niya lang naman na hindi niya ako mahal- so technically, hindi naman siya rejection, pero nagiging totoo lang siya sa akin!" I concluded. "What if...I just made her fall in love with me?

Gumagana pa naman ang charms ng nag iisang Bongbong Marcos, no?" I let out a laugh, trying to cheer myself up.

Posible naman, diba? I thought.

A plan suddenly came to my mind,

"Aha! Pwede! Galing mo talaga, Bongets!" I complimented myself to boost my confidence. This idea of mine would surely work in achieving my goal.

I didn't hesitate before reaching my final decision.

No matter how long it took, no matter how much effort I need to put in,

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