Don't miss me (1)

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For the past few weeks, Bongbong noticed that his best friend was acting differently. She didn't smile as much as she used to, her corny jokes weren't said a lot anymore, and sometimes she even skipped meals- which was unusual for someone who loved  to eat.

This made him wonder,

"Are you okay?"

"Ah- ako? Okay? Oo naman, syempre!" A small smile spread on Leni's face but it quickly went away soon after.

"Nagsusungaling ka ba?" Bongbong asked her.

"Hindi. Ikaw, okay ka lang ba-" Leni denied.

Bongbong shook his head and cut her off, "Nagsusungaling ka nga..." He examined her body language and facial expressions, "You can't hide anything from me."

Leni sighed and looked at him. She playfully rolled her eyes, "You know me too well, nakakatakot na."

He chuckled, "Syempre, ganyan talaga pag mahal ko..."

Bongbong paused for a moment to look at her.

Ngayon na ba?

He stopped himself from making what he thought was a stupid decision that would only hurt him,

"...ang lahat ng mga kaibigan ko. Dapat kilala ko talaga sila."

Leni was left a bit nervous when he paused in his sentence, but felt relieved when she heard his next words. She smiled awkwardly, "Ah, oo nga- mabuti kang kaibigan..."

They were dining inside of a Chinese restaurant that Bongbong took her to. She was hesitant to go at first since she knew that he wouldn't let her pay for anything and would take the bill for himself, but at the end of the day, Bongbong still wins and convinces her to come.

Leni went back to eating her meal when there was silence between them that lasted too long.

Bongbong watched her as she ate her noodles, taking advantage of the moment when she didn't know that he was looking. He smiled, but quickly stopped when she looked at him again.

"O, ano?"

She caught him staring.

"W-wala- ay, ano pala, what's bothering you?" He asked.

Leni sighed, "Its just...I feel alone in my life. Umalis na ang mga bata sa bahay ko, at yung mga kaibigan ko puro may mga pamilya na. Wala nang masyadong trabaho, kaya wala nang magagawa."

She continued as Bongbong listened, "I appreciate na nandyan ka pa rin, Bong, pero alam naman nating dalawa na lagi kang busy."

Bongbong suddenly felt guilty when he realized that he wasn't being there for her enough.

"I-I'm sorry..." Bongbong apologized.

Leni shook her head, "Uy, wag! Okay lang- naiintindihan ko naman ang pagkabusy niyong lahat, hindi naman pwedeng maging selfish, diba?"

"Hindi ka selfish, Lens- dapat andyan ako lagi para sayo bilang kaibigan. I'm sorry..." He apologized again.

Leni put her hand over his which was on the table, and gently touched it.

Bongbong felt himself blush hard, and hoped that Leni didn't see.

"Okay lang. Thank you for being here, right now, despite your busy schedule, Mr. President." She thanked him with a smile.

"Y-you're welcome..." He stuttered, wishing that she would never pull her hand away from his.

Unfortunately, the moment ended too soon, when she did.

"Ah, syaka ba't mo ako tinatawag na mr. President? Wag naman ganun." He forced out a laugh to lighten up the mood.

"Ano ka ba, presidente ka naman talaga, eh!" She answered.

"Kahit presidente na ako, mag kaibigan pa rin tayo." He told her.

Whenever he said that word, Bongbong didn't know what to feel. Was he going to be joyful because they were close friends?

Or was he heartbroken because that's how far his relationship with her would go?

Bongbong pushed the negative thoughts away from his mind as he wanted to just be happy and enjoy their dinner together.

The two had been friends for a long time and made sure to always go out with each other, as friends, every week- it was a must. But now, they didn't get to be together as much as they used to ever since Bongbong became president.

Sometimes, it all started to feel different. But nevertheless, they still hung out, and kept their friendship strong and alive- always.

But there was one thing that didn't change.

And that was Bongbong's love for her that surpassed a love that was only meant for a friend.

She smiled, "Mabuti at humble ka pa rin."

"Anong humble? Sinasabi ko lang na mag kaibigan pa rin tayo. Presidente na ako, no!" Bongbong joked, and in return received a playful slap on the arm.


"Ikaw talaga." Leni let out a small laugh.

Time passed so quickly for them, and it was only when Bongbong checked his watched when they realized how late into the evening it was.

"Ang late na pala..." Leni said when Bongbong told her the time. She stood up, "I should get going now, salamat sa pag invite sa akin dito, Bong. It felt just like old times."

Bongbong stood up and walked closer to her, but kept some distance in between them. "Oo- at salamat sa pag punta dito, I really enjoyed seeing you, Leni."

She smiled and they found their way towards the restaurant's exit after Bongbong payed for their food.

They went outside, and were about to part ways. They were already walking away from each other when Bongbong suddenly turned around and stopped Leni,

"Lens! Teka lang!" He called out to her, and fortunately for him, she heard and turned around.

Bongbong ran towards Leni, and she asked, "O, ano? Is everything okay?"

He nodded, "Oo- pero- may sasabihin ako sayo- na importante, kaya please, give me a chance to tell you."

Leni was confused, but curious about what he was going to say. She also wanted to be a good friend by listening to him,

"Alright, sige- ano yun?"

Bongbong mentally prepared himself for what he was about to confess to Leni.

He had been waiting for this exact moment for years, and now was the only time that he gathered enough courage for it to happen.

He took a deep breath, in and out before finally beginning to speak,

"Leni, mahal na mahal kita."

Leni smiled, "Mahal rin kita, Bong-"

He cut her off, "Hindi, hindi ganun."

"W-what do you mean?"

"I know we are good friends, but I don't just feel that way. I...Nainlove ako sayo, Leni. Romance. That's the type of love I feel for you.

The type of love, where, I can't stop thinking about you- the thought of you and I being together is always in my mind, and I always wished that it would become true.

Mahal kita, Leni."

Leni just stood there, shocked as if she was frozen for a while. "A-ano?"

"Mahal kita." Bongbong repeated, hoping that she loved him back.

" you love me too?"

Bongbong's heart broke when he saw a frown suddenly appear on Leni's face.

"I'm sorry Bong, pero...

I don't."

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