Sulat (3)

147 8 7

December 20th, 1980s

The United States - Bongbong Marcos...

Bongbong approached his home, waving goodbye to his driver before he left him. The area he stood in felt really quiet for some reason, and something felt off to him. Did everyone leave for a vacation without him?

Bongbong shrugged it off, and went inside.


Everyone yelled at the same time as soon as he entered.

Bongbong was shocked to see balloons tied up on the railings of their stairs, unexpected guests everywhere, and a huge banner that read, 'Happy Birthday, Bonget!' Everyone had been planning weeks before to surprise the boy on the day of his 18th birthday, and were all happy to have succeeded in doing so.

Once he realized what they tried to do, a smile spread on his face.

"Oh my gosh-" He immediately went up to his mom and gave her a kiss on the cheek, "Hi mom- Hi everyone! I can't believe you all did this!"

His mouth wanted to speak Tagalog so badly but he couldn't since it would be a bit rude to the many foreigners that his mother invited to their home.

"Welcome home son, and Happy 18th Birthday! You're finally an adult!" Imelda greeted him, followed by a sweet kiss on the forehead. "Yeah, that's true...And thank you, ma!"

People started to approach the Birthday boy, giving him gifts and good wishes as they passed by, with Bongbong making sure to thank everyone that he faced.

"Thank you so much- Uh, shall we go eat now?" Bongbong asked them, and received a very loud 'yes.'


"Ah, anak- are you sure na okay lang kumain na? May mga ibang bisita pa kasing dadating dito eh..." Imelda asked Bongbong, trying to avoid mentioning the names of the incoming guests.

Bongbong replied, "Opo! Sigurado naman po ako na maiintindihan nila na gutom na tayong lahat."

Imelda nodded, "O sige, pupuntahan ko na muna yung ibang mga tao doon. Basta, kung may dumating, i-entertain mo, ha?"

Bongbong responded, "Sige po." And Imelda walked away shortly after.

Bongbong wondered,

Sino pa kaya ang dadating?

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard their doorbell ring, which would give him the answers to his questions.

Bongbong went to the front door right away to see who had arrived, and was surprised to see...

"Hello? Is this the Marcos residence?" A woman at the door asked. Bongbong didn't recognize her at all, but she did seem wealthy, judging by her appearance- the woman wore expensive clothing, which made him assume that she was one of his father's business partners.

"Uh...Yes- and may I know who you are?" Bongbong asked politely, not wanting to seem rude.

"Oh, I'm Mrs. Ge- I mean, Mrs. Araneta- Manuel Araneta's wife." She introduced herself. For some reason, she seemed somewhat nervous, but Bongbong didn't think much of it.

"Ahh, okay..." Bongbong stepped aside to let her inside their home. "Pasok po."

Mrs. Araneta looked surprised as soon as he spoke to her in Tagalog, "Ay- Ano ba yan, iho! Nagtatagalog ka pala! Nahirapan pa ako sa kaka-English natin."

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