To Your Ghost (1)

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(A/N): Hi everyone! If you are offended by this story in any way, please tell me kasi it will be based on a cultural tradition from a different country.
Happy reading!
Warning: possibly many errors, I didn't edit HAHAHA

Leni was walking home from her job, and was excited to finally see her family after an exhausting day filled with loads of work. Despite how tired the things she did made her, Leni always remembered that every single part of it was for her family; the people she loved most in the entire world.

And now, they needed the money more than ever. 

She let out a tired sigh as she walked up the dirty cement stairs of the dark and quiet apartment building, making her way through the halls that led to her family's unit. Leni fished through her drawstring bag, searching for the keys that she needed to enter the home. 

For some reason, she felt uneasy. 

Nothing had really changed from all of the other days that she had lived in her life; the lady was always tired, working, and alone. right now.

Leni shrugged it off, ignoring the feeling. Maybe it was just the lack of sleep for her body that was causing her to think and feel this way at the moment.

She let out a sigh of relief, with any tension she felt leaving her body when Leni finally found what she was looking for. How long did that have to take?  Leni wondered, as she stood there searching for the keys, for almost 2 minutes straight. 

She brought her hands towards the keyhole of their front door, about to open it when she suddenly heard footsteps behind her. They got louder and louder, giving Leni the idea that whoever was coming, was going towards her. 

She froze. 

Anxiety rushed through her, making Leni's hand, holding the key, shake a little. 

Who could possibly be there for her?

If she turned around, would she see someone that she didn't want to face?

Before she could go on with her overthinking, Leni was sent back to reality. At that point, she didn't need to turn around anymore, since who ever was approaching her, their steps just suddenly stopped.

Baka umalis na,

Leni thought.

Just then, a cold, soft hand touched her shoulder, causing her to shiver. Before she could turn to see who it was, a voice of a man spoke,

"Ma'am, may mail po kayo."

The sentence calmed her down but made her feel so embarrassed for even feeling nervous- of course the mailman would be visiting the building, it was a weekday! Leni then relaxed herself and quickly told herself not to worry before she finally faced the person who stood behind her. Once she did, he put his hand off of her.

But what's strange was that it wasn't their mailman.

Baka nagpalit lang sila, Leni assumed, not wanting to make everything complicated; it would only make her uncomfortable in the end.

The man had perfectly fixed hair and clothing- not a single strand of his black hair was longer or shorter than the others. He wore what seemed to be a traditional Chinese outfit for men, that had not a single wrinkle on it and was coloured red, with gold designs all over. This had Leni assume that he most likely wasn't fully a Filipino.

Leni realized that he had his hand reaching out to her for a while already, with some mail in it for her.

She let out an awkward laugh and took it, "Ay- heh, salamat..." Leni thanked him. The man only stood there, looking at her. Not once did he speak another word after her reply, and neither did he seem that he was going to give his own response.

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