Highschool Crush

271 14 9

Warning: Obsession

The bell finally rang, and all of the students from her classroom rushed out, into the hallway to leave.

"Huy, Leni- ba't nagmamadali ka? Diba magliligpit ka pa ng gamit mo dito-"


And with that, she stood up from her desk and grabbed Risa's arm, dragging her friend with her and leaving the room.

Risa asked, confused, "Ha? On time? Para saan? Break time na nga-"

She cut her off again, "ON TIME PARA SA..."

They were now out in the hallway, and everyone had already left, only a few students were in their sight who were near their lockers.

Leni turned around and looked at the clock that hung in their classroom for a moment, and immediately went back inside, pulling Risa in with her as well.

Risa tried to ask, "Hoy, ano ba to-"

"Shhh! Ngayon na..." Leni counted the seconds, and went into a position where she could stay behind the door and peek out into the hallway.

"He comes out exactly 27 seconds after 12:03 pm..." Leni told herself and Risa.

Risa looked where she was looking, and watched carefully, waiting to see why Leni was peeking out, "He? Sino..."

Risa thought for a while, then someone finally came to her mind, "Ay! Oh my gosh! Hinihintay mo si-"

Before she could finish her sentence, Leni put her hand over Risa's mouth and turned back to look out the door,

And there he was.

The smartert, most handsome, kindest, sweetest boy in the whole school- well to her, in the whole universe.

"Bongbong..." Leni quietly uttered as she watched him walk across the hallway. He stopped for a moment, his back turned towards her, and seemed to be talking to a friend.

"Ang..." Even if she had seen him, likely, a thousand times before, Leni was still mesmerized by...the way he was.


Leni was crazy for him, and Risa felt that she did too much just to see him everyday. To SEE him.

Leni was sure about how she felt...

She loved him.

And no matter what she needed to do, she was going to see him- every single day.

They were already seniors in Highschool, but Leni had known him ever since 9th grade, and couldn't stop thinking about him ever since. Always following him around whenever she had the chance to, observing the way he acted and spoke...

Recently, Leni had taken time to memorize his whole schedule in school; the exact time he went out for his lunch break, the places he went to, the restaurants he ate in, and even the classes that he went to on each day.

A disgusted expression appeared on Risa's face, and she laughed quietly at her friend, "Huy, ano ba yan- 27 seconds after- ay nako! Obsession na yan, mare!"

Leni ignored her comment and just continued to stare at Bongbong as he smiled at his friends, admiring his features. "Ang ganda ng iyong nigiti, mahal..."

Risa was shocked to hear the last word of Leni's sentence, "M-mahal? Ano? Anong nangyayari sayo, Lens?"

Leni only smiled and kept staring at Bongbong, enjoying the moment while it lasted. Even if he never noticed her, the moments she had with him from afar gave her so much joy that nothing or nobody else could.

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