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The spring brought another warm day. What a wonderful day it was, with the birds singing and the Whomping Willow slowly moving its branches. The Transfiguration professor, Minerva McGonagall, held a class about turning a teapot to a tortoise to her third-year Gryffindors and Ravenclaws.

"I will need you to write one and a half rolls of parchment, the theme is the Lapifors spell. Finish that until Thursday. The class is dismissed," The elegant professor announced.

These students were otherwise cheerful about the Transfiguration class with professor McGonagall, but today they were rolling their eyes and sighing because of their homework. They stood up from their seats picking up their things and headed to the classroom door.

After the class ended, two of the girls went to their common room. At the same moment, they entered the common room, their senses were embraced by the smell of old books and parchment. Some of their housemates were reading on the couch, and some of them were in the dormitories.

"What do we have next, Kate?" The girl asked.

"Potions, I suppose," The other one answered.

"Oh, Merlin... Let's just hope Slughorn forgot about the last class," Zelda stated nervously.

Poor Zelda. What a smartie she was, she felt embarrassed because professor Slughorn asked her a question about the Wiggenweld potion, and she couldn't remember the answer.

"C'mon, Zelds, both of us know that you knew the answer, you just couldn't remember it at that moment," Kate supported her wholeheartedly. Zelda smiled warmly.

"Let's go, Sluggy waits for no one..." Kate exclaimed melodically and they shared a laugh.

Catherine Fiona Walker and Zelda Joanna Collins were cousins. Kate's mother, Fiona Walker, and Zelda's father, Alexander Collins, were siblings. That meant Catherine and Zelda were pure-blood witches, both of them got sorted into the house of Ravenclaw three years ago. The common mistake from other people was addressing them as sisters instead of cousins.

The two of them were going down the stairs to the coldness of the dungeons. As they entered the classroom, Catherine was faced with the pleasing scent of musk and pine wood.

"Good morning, professor!" Kate exclaimed when she saw professor Slughorn, ignoring the scent.

"Ah, good morning, Miss Walker!" He greeted back.

"I appreciate that you and Miss Collins arrived here a few minutes earlier than the rest of the class!" He stated while cleaning up his demonstration cauldron from the last class and putting the bottles and vials he didn't need back in their place.

"Excuse me, professor, but what kind of potion smells that good?" Kate asked her professor curiously.

Slughorn needed a few moments to finish his clean-up before answering her question.

"I assumed you didn't know it because you are still a third-year student. This, Miss Walker, is the Amortentia potion, the strongest love potion ever brewed. It smells exactly like the things that attract you. I've just held a class about it to our sixth-years," Slughorn explained it.

When he finally finished, other students started arriving too, so the professor announced the start of the class.

It wasn't anything important, just a revision of Daisy roots and Shrivefig. This revision period left Catherine some spare time to zone out. She didn't do that often, but she had to think about something – who'd she smelled, so it was that intoxicating?

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