ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ-ᴇɪɢʜᴛ: ᴛʜᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ ᴏꜰ ʜᴇʀ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ

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A/N: Hello everyone! First of all, I want to thank you for the 5K reads that this story reached today! I am beyond grateful for that and hope you like my story so far! Also, as the school year at Hogwarts is coming to an end, it's the same for this story :( Only a few more chapters are about to be published. Due to that, the question of the day is: 

How do you like reading the story and what are your expectations for the end? (feel free to answer in the comments!) <3

Your feedback means a lot to me, so comments of any kind are welcome :)

Enjoy reading the new chapter, and I wish you all a great week! Love youu :*

*     *     *

"Come in!"

The sound of knocking on the door shook me from my slumber. It was already morning, so I couldn't blame the person who wanted to see me. As I invited the person to enter, the door opened. Like it was in a dream, it seemed like no one was in front of them. Only a high-pitched, creaky voice told me it was a little house elf.

"Tilly wishes you a very good morning, Mistress, and brings you coffee with milk and honey as Master Lucius told her," the little elf with a bow on her head approached me, carrying a black mug filled with coffee.

"Well, aren't you adorable! Thank you very much... Tilly, am I right?" I said as she placed the mug on the nightstand. My sleepy voice was obvious, but I tried to hide it since I didn't want her to feel bad for waking me up.

"Indeed you are, Mistress Catherine! Tilly feels delighted that you called her adorable!" she squeaked in joy, making me smile. Her eyes were sparkly, as she was about to cry. Then, she really started to quietly sob.

"Is there something wrong, little elf?" I asked with worry.

"No, no... everything is alright. Tilly just isn't used to hearing kind words from her masters," she sobbed out. "Tilly's former Mistress used to yell at Tilly and call her names. Sometimes even kick Tilly with the point of her shoe," Tilly said.

"Oh, I'm so terribly sorry, but I promise that I would never do such a thing," I said, and she looked at me. A smile appeared on her face and she wiped her eyes with her tiny hands.

"Thank you again, Mistress Catherine! Tilly has to go now, but feel free to summon me if you need anything!" she chirped and got out of the bedroom.

I stretched out in the very familiar and comfortable bed. As Draco wanted to spend the break with his mother, Lucius had offered to spend the entire week with him in the Manor. Not going to lie, it felt wonderful to constantly be in his presence and to wake up like this. For a sheer second, a small thought crawled into my mind. How wonderful would it be if we ever got married and lived here together? Once we tell Draco and everyone else, and some time passes, we could live in peace like a family...

The pure thought of it made me smile as I sipped on my coffee.

When the mug was empty, it was time to get up. My first destination was the bathroom. I previously prepared the clothes I'll put on after I get out of the shower. The towel and my cosmetic bag were already in the bathroom, and I only needed to step into the shower.

I turned the faucet on, feeling the warm water cascade down my body. As I was doing that, I was in my own thoughts. My muscles relaxed as the water made contact with them, relaxing me even more. As I stopped the water, I opened the cherry shower gel bottle and put some of it in my hand. Then, I began lathering my body with it, massaging the scented gel into it.

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