ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴇɪɢʜᴛ: ʜᴏʟɪᴅᴀʏ ᴠɪʙᴇꜱ

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I enjoyed my holidays mainly with Igor because Zelda went on a trip to the USA. Her task was to take the book packages that the Ilvermorny School Library wanted to send to Hogwarts. Otherwise, I would be bored but thank Merlin I had Igor by my side.

Today Zelda was coming back, and we agreed to go to the Three Broomsticks. We had to go through all the topics we missed to talk about while she was gone. I haven't told her about Igor yet, but I presumed that was pretty obvious to her.

And yet, I know she needs to speak about her anger about Severus to somebody. I actually understood her. She fell for someone, and then the person she already hated very much ended up dancing with that someone instead of her.

When I noticed it, I had a need to break out from Igor's arms and hit them both in the face in the middle of the Great Hall. Luckily, I've been recognized as a person who has self-control, plus I promised Zelda that I wouldn't tell anything to him, nor to Irma.

I was reading a book and drinking coffee in my chambers when I saw my favourite person in the whole world.

"Katie! The queen is back in the castle!" Zelda exclaimed dramatically, and I stood up, hugging her.

"Hey! Did you get all the books?" I asked curiously.

"Yes, all of the three boxes. But, Hogwarts ordered a new pack of books from the Ministry, which should be delivered in a week or two," She replied.

"Guess what, sis. When that package arrives, the Hogwarts Library will have all three of your books in our possession!" Zelda announced happily and my eyes widened.

"Wow! I'm honoured!" I exclaimed, feeling, indeed, very happy.

"Although it may be in the Restricted Section because the topics are more advanced than the ones our students need," Zelda added, and I nodded.

"That's alright because I will give written permission to anyone who asks me," I replied, and we laughed.

"Of course," I gathered my purse and we went to Hogsmeade.

"So, you and Igor are together now?" Zelda asked me with a smirk.

"Yup," I answered with a proud grin.

The two of us were drinking butterbeer and gossiping.

"I knew you two had hooked up since you skipped breakfast..." She said and nudged my arm playfully.

"I felt like you noticed! I woke up at half-past two in the afternoon," I replied with a laugh.

She smirked at the response, but her eyes were locked with the sight behind me.

"Sis, I will tolerate this only if Severus is behind me," I said lowly, but I got no response.

"Forget Karkaroff," Zelda muttered quietly.

"Excuse me?" I asked, obviously confused by her remark.

"Look at him," She pleaded mindlessly.

"Zelda, whoever just walked in, Igor is m-" I was saying while turning around slowly, cut off in amusement.

I saw a fancy-looking man, his hair long and blonde. In his hand he was carrying a walking cane. I had to admit he looked godly.

"Zelda, who on Earth is he?" I asked her, distracted by his aesthetics.

She turned back to me and gave me a look.

"Take a wild guess, honey. Platinum hair, tall and arrogant," Zelda implied, and I thought about that for a moment.

Suddenly, I gasped loudly, covering my mouth.

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