ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴇɴ: ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴇᴇᴛɪɴɢ

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I was awakened from my sleep by a powerful urge to cough. When I sat up straight, Igor shook from his sleep too. My hand grabbed his in panic, losing my breath for a few moments. Catching my breath, my body trembled, desperate for oxygen.

"Deep breaths, love, just like that. Everything is alright, dearest..." Igor cooed me gently while his hand rubbed my back, the other one still in my grip.

When he managed to comfort me, he stood up to bring me a glass full of water, letting me drink it slowly.

"Try to catch a few more hours of sleep, and then we will take you to the Hospital Wing. Alright, love?" Igor suggested while caressing my cheek.

I just nodded my response, slowly lying back in his warm embrace.

"Feel free to wake me up if you need something," He said, kissing my head.

I genuinely enjoyed receiving the kisses on the head by Igor because it simply made me feel so protected. His hand tangled in my hair, running through it softly.


As Igor was combing through his beloved one's hair, he thought only about one thing – how quickly she got under his skin. He thought about how much he cared for the DADA Mistress. Igor listened to her breathing, which quickly went peaceful and slow.

Catherine cuddled closer into his chest and whined quietly. The Durmstrang Headmaster caught himself smiling at her sudden movement. If he didn't have Lord Voldemort on his back, he would think of spending the rest of his life with her.

"I love you, my dearest," He whispered, hoping that she wouldn't hear him.

- BACK TO REALITY (Catherine's P.O.V.) -

I opened my eyes, noticing the winter sunshine getting reflected by the snow, creating a bright light. As I woke up alone, I stood up to go grab some water, but the only thing I managed to do was to sit on the bed. At that moment, Igor opened the door.

"No, no, любов (lyubov - love)... I will get you water," He said and took the glass from my hand, making me smile.

I went to lie back on the bed and make myself comfortable again. But, something bothered me. When I lifted my leg on the bed, I felt peculiar but very familiar wetness between my legs.


I intended to go to the bathroom, praying that it wasn't what I thought it was. Tough luck has followed me these days, so I noticed a red stain on my underwear. I slapped my forehead and sighed, grabbing the pad packaging from my cupboard.

"I just thought where did my love go?" Igor said as I came out and turned me around to his chest.

"Bathroom. That time of the month," I replied in nothing more than a whisper, but Igor somehow managed to understand me.

"My beautiful, what else will come for you?" He asked tenderly, stroking my cheek.

"Lucius Malfoy," I answered bluntly.

"Hm?" Igor hummed as he gave me a questioning look.

"I have a meeting with him today at 13.00," I explained, my voice dry.

"I won't let you, you look so exhausted," He said in a concerned tone, and my hand cupped his cheek.

"It won't be long, I promise," I tried to convince him, and he nodded.

"You still have more than three hours. Think about it, you have to rest," Igor said without changing his tone.

"This meeting is also something I have to do. He'll make big problems if I don't show up," I replied, whispering close to his ear, unable to speak louder.

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