ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇʟᴠᴇ: ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ᴛᴀꜱᴋ

872 22 3

A month has passed since all of the interesting events. This month has been totally usual, which, as I heard, was strange in Hogwarts. Finally, something was about to happen these days. As I was in my own story, I almost forgot about the Triwizard Tournament.

In two days, the second task should be held. I was satisfied because both of Hogwarts champions knew their way to open the golden egg. Everything was going on pretty alright, except for one thing.

I'm afraid that Igor doesn't want to be with me anymore.

I don't know, in that period, he started to act much more distanced from me. We don't sleep together every night, as we used to do. Now, every third or fourth day I get a chance to sleep in his arms.

I have to admit it wasn't such a big thing in the beginning, and now it just began to hurt. It's better not to remember what happened about two weeks ago.


I felt so bad because a very nice student from Ravenclaw hurt himself while observing a magical creature, and I wasn't there to stop that. I apologized to her a few times, but I still felt like crap. I tried to distract myself from my thoughts by reading a book, and when that didn't help, I went to find Igor to talk to him. I made my way to his chamber and knocked on the door.

"It's you. What happened, dear?" Igor asked in an usually cold tone.

"I need a hug," I muttered, choking back my tears.

He let me in, only lightly caressing my face. I rushed into his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck, trying to distract myself from crying. I expected him to embrace me as he used to do, but he just patted my back with one hand.

The lack of physical contact made my heart crack. The man who used to give me so many comfortable hugs and protective head kisses became so cold. I let my feelings flush over me, breaking down and sobbing quietly.

It lightly comforted me when Igor cupped my face, lightly pressing me to his chest. Finally, I could feel at least a glimpse of affection from him. The same affection that used to be so intense a few weeks ago.


I believed that it was just a normal light crisis, so I decided to ignore it. But, when I was kissing his neck while sitting in his lap, and he suddenly told me that he had to go, it made me think that Igor wanted to end this. However, I wanted to push my problems aside and concentrate on my work. It was hard, but I had to do it. I prepared myself to attend the second task. This time, Zelda was the one waiting for me. She knocked on my door and dramatically cleared her throat.

"Good afternoon, your Majesty. I was asking myself if you are over with your preparations. The peasants are waiting for you," She said in a fake royal tone, and we laughed. Then, I simply nodded my response.

We made our way down to the Black Lake and greeted Minerva and Albus. Severus just nodded to us, which made me search for Zelda's reaction when he looked away. Her quiet giggles made me smirk.

"Welcome to the second task! Last night, something was stolen from each of our champions," Albus announced, using the Sonorus spell.

"A treasure, of sorts. These four treasures, one for each champion, now lie on the bottom of the Black Lake. In order to win, each champion needs only to find their treasure and return to the surface. Simple enough," Albus instructed.

"Put that in your mouth," I whispered to Mr Potter, referring to Gillyweed or, in other words, the main part of our plan.

I was standing only a few feet away from Igor, with whom I shared a glance and a small smile.

"Except for this – they will have one hour to do so, and one hour only. After that, they will be on their own. No magic will save them," Yes, Albus, a brilliant way to encourage our champions...

"You may begin with the sound of the cannon."

As that was said, their hour started, and the champions jumped in the water. After a few minutes, I noticed that the Gillyweed worked because Mr Potter jumped out of the water, did a small acrobatic and got and got back into it, his limbs transfigurated into swimming parts.

Some time passed, and we got the first champion who gave up.

"The Beauxbatons champion, Miss Delacour, has unfortunately been forced to retire, so she will take no further part in this task," Albus announced, and we helped her to get warm and dry. First, Mr Diggory swam out with Miss Chang in his arms. The crowd cheered after the Hogwarts champion obviously won this task. The second one was Mr Krum, who managed to succeed in the Body Transfiguration Charm.

The Durmstrang students were happy, and I saw that Igor was proud too. We shared a glance, and I winked at him with a small smile on my face.

And finally, with a ring of the bell, Mr Weasley and some other girl showed up on the surface. I stopped breathing for a second because Mr Potter was nowhere to be found. Oh Merlin, I've killed my own student...

"Mr Potter!" I exclaimed when I saw him show up.

At that moment, Albus and Bartemius came too, and we helped him get out and handed him a big towel.

"I want all the judges over here now!" Albus called.

"Attention! The winner is Mr Diggory!" Albus announced and everyone applauded.

"... who showed innate command of the Bubblehead Charm! However, seeing as Mr Potter would have finished first, had it not been for his determination to rescue not only Mr Weasley but the others as well, we have agreed to award him second place!" Albus stated, but I was convinced by Igor's reaction that he just decided it at that moment.

The cheering wasn't that intense after Albus' statement.

And it happened again. Igor didn't even bother to wait for me, he just stormed off, minding his own business. When that happened, Zelda looked at me but didn't say anything.

- THIRD PERSON'S P.O.V. (Hogwarts Potions Storeroom) -

"I have to admit that I haven't expected you to obey someone's words, Igor," Severus stated.

"Why are you and Albus doing this?" Igor asked quietly, obviously bothered by the situation.

"You are nothing more than a coward. It's better for her if you just keep doing this," Severus replied in a dry tone.

"He's back, and you know that, Severus. It's been getting darker every day," Igor stated while lifting his sleeve and showing his left forearm.

"Great. If you're scared, flee. I'll make your excuses," Severus persisted. "Just don't cause any more harm to her," He added, and Igor sighed.

"I can't leave her either. This is causing more harm to her," He said and Severus rolled his eyes casually.

"I may vomit," He spoke quietly in his usual, cold voice.

Igor just looked at him, his glance lingering a few moments, then walked away.

He was truly trapped in his situation. He loved a woman whom he had to leave. On the other hand, if he lets her bond with him even for a day more, he will cause her even more pain. Igor saw how she suffered from the lack of physical contact, but he couldn't do anything. He couldn't want more to pull her in his arms, embrace her tightly and kiss her for the rest of his life. The biggest problem is – he wasn't left with much of it.

- BACK TO REALITY (Catherine's P.O.V.) -

After everything that happened today, I just had to lie in my bed and do nothing except overthinking it. I knew that was bad because I only made myself feel worse, but I must say that the rain that started to fall wasn't helping to create any positive thoughts.

A few knocks were heard on my door, and I got up to open it with a sigh. I was really taken aback by the person who was waiting for me.

"My dear, we need to talk..." Igor said in barely more than a whisper.

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