ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ-ᴛᴡᴏ: ɪɴᴅᴇᴇᴅ ᴀ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴍᴏʀɴɪɴɢ

625 16 4

A/N: Hii, I hope you're all doing well and that everything is okay. I just wanted to recommend you a story that was sent to me this week. As I was reading it, I was amazed by the descriptions and the plot! It's called "Blood, Lust and Wine: Lucius Malfoy Romance" by Leszenka. She's recently started publishing it and updates every Tuesday, so go check it - I'm sure you'll like it as much as I do. Love youu! :*

The glimpses of light hit my eyes and I subconsciously knew it was morning. I still felt extremely sleepy, and I snuggled Lucius's neck. His arm was resting protectively on my waist, and his peaceful breathing indicated he was still asleep. My eyes were still closed as I enjoyed being that close to such a beautiful man. Slightly chilly air infiltrated through the window, causing me to shiver. 

Slowly, I opened my eyes to ensure that all of this was real. A smile crept upon my face when I saw Lucius's peaceful face, framed by the strands of his silky hair, slightly ruffled by sleeping. I caught myself blushing slightly, thinking about how lucky must I be to feel this moment. Godammit, I couldn't get my eyes off of him.

Good things come to those who wait. I've learned that a hundred times, but this one was my best lesson. Letting my intrusive thoughts win, I moved a strand of his hair from his face with my hand, just hoping I won't wake him up. I just couldn't help myself, he looked so adorable.

"You think so?" Lucius mumbled half-asleep, confusing me for a second. 

Then it dawned on me. "Wait, you're a..."

"Legilimens, darling. Yes, I appear to be one," he responded, making me blush in slight embarrassment. I kept silent for a few moments, and Lucius opened his eyes. "Now, love, there's nothing to be shy about," he said, his hand slowly gliding up and down my back. "I think I'm rather adorable too." 

I giggled at that remark, positively surprised about his sense of humour. "Adorable and funny! Well, you're definitely full of surprises!" I said and laughed. A sleepy, morning smile appeared on his face as he let out a deep chuckle. 

"There's so much more you have to find out about me, my sweet," he said, making me smile. Somehow, I knew I would enjoy every new thing about him. "For example, how much I want you to give me that kiss you thought about for so long." 

Feeling so endeared by Lucius's presence, I gave him a gentle kiss on the corner of his lips, letting my lips linger there for a few seconds. His eyes met with mine, radiating a sparkle. His gaze was soft and there was no trace of his intimidating or self-important appearance. 

Lucius cupped my face, caressing it with his thumb. He closed the gap between us and gently kissed me. I couldn't help myself but whimper softly into the kiss. The gentle kiss soon turned into deep ones, filled with lust. We still wanted each other so badly. 

I removed my panties and Lucius helped me to straddle him, and I moaned as my aroused pussy was placed over his hard still clothed cock. Lowering myself to his face to kiss him, I began to rub my wet pussy on the fabric of his underwear. The textured material and the hardness of his cock almost instantly made me cum, and I fastened my pace slightly. Lucius's eyes were closed and he was breathing deeply. Just before I felt the urge to cum, I stopped rubbing myself on him and lowered myself so my head was close to his cock.

Lucius gave me an interested look and I shot him a devilish smirk while sliding down his underwear teasingly slow. His cock was finally freed from the fabric, and I wrapped my fingers around it to slide up and down a few times. It was so hard, already dripping with precum which I spread around all its length with my hand. Keeping my eyes on him, I swirled my tongue around the tip and gently sucked it while teasingly sliding my hand up and down. Lucius let out a quiet grunt, making me desperate to feel something on my pussy. 

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