ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ-ᴏɴᴇ: ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀɴᴏʀ

714 22 2

During the whole work time, I couldn't hide that I was in an excellent mood today. Even my students concluded that it was the first Friday without someone getting detention. Why was that? Exactly because it was Friday, and I had no will to spend my afternoon with some inattentive and mischievous dunderheads.

After all, I had something way more interesting to do.

The meeting with Lucius was the only thing I could think about today, which was mainly the reason for my good spirit. I thought the teaching part would last forever today, but it in fact surprised me by how fast it went. Now, it was about 3 p.m. and Albus held a short discussion about this year's O.W.L. and N.E.W.T. exams. We've agreed that I'll supervise the Transfiguration, and History of Magic exams, while Sybill and Charity will do the Defence Against the Dark Arts ones.

When the discussion was over, I hinted to Albus something about the idea for the Third task, which he accepted. He then told me that I must present it in front of Barty, Olympe and Mr Krum's mentor. However, I noticed something a bit peculiar - he still didn't choose a mentor for Mr Krum.

But now that wasn't my problem, as it was already half past three, and I unhurriedly started getting ready for the meeting. I needed to wash my hair and remove any unwanted ones on my body. That took me a bit more than an hour, and after that, I put on my favourite scented lotion.

I wrapped my hair up in a towel and grabbed the lingerie which was on my bathroom shelf. When the lotion had absorbed into the skin, I put on the bra first and clasped it, then adjusted the straps and the cups. I was more than satisfied with how it looked, and I knew the green fabric would fit perfectly with my auburn hair. Then, I pulled up the same-styled panties to complete the look.

On top of that, I threw on a black wrap dress, which was held together just by a silky wrap. When it was time to do my hair, I just put on the oil I always use to style it, then brushed it out.

While I was waiting for my free time to pass, I watered the plants on the window sill and wiped the dust off the leaves.

Soon, the clock hands were preparing to show it was half past seven, which made me feel a small spark in my gut. I was indeed nervous, even though it wouldn't be our first meeting.

I put my coat on and left my chamber, locking the door with one of the keys from the bunch.

Walking down the castle halls, my heels clicked against the stone floor. The nervousness gradually faded out and began turning into sheer confidence. I left the castle and almost immediately noticed Lucius was waiting for me at the castle grounds.

The pace of my walking got slightly faster. Goddamn, if only I didn't have heels that high - I would've run just to be in his presence as soon as possible.

"Hi," I greeted him, "I hope you weren't waiting that long," I said.

"Oh, don't mind it. I've just ended an arranged meeting with Dumbledore. But that would be irrelevant now," Lucius responded. "Shall we, love?" He said, and I placed my hand on his.

Our agreement was to apparate in the Manor, as I promised Lucius to stay with him the next time we met. In a moment or two, we were in front of the enormous Manor, which I'd only managed to see in the Daily Prophet.

As we got inside, I couldn't hide the astonishment on my face. I was pretty interested in all the pictures that were hanging on the walls, and the wonderful carpet that covered the wooden floor. The interior had enough light, but it wasn't so intense.

The lounge was spacious and fancy, but the object that caught all of my attention was the crystal chandelier that was hanging from the ceiling. Everything in this house was lovely, but the chandeliers were the cherry on top.

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