ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜɪʀᴛʏ-ᴛᴡᴏ: ʀᴇᴠᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴ

515 13 2

Today, all seemed very much unreal. Just like we've agreed, when the school year ends, we had to tell Draco about what's happening between us. I was so nervous because, what if he wouldn't react approvingly about all of this? That caused a tight knot to form in my stomach, which didn't let me rest on this hot, summer night.

The second thing that didn't let me rest were the mosquitoes – those infernal insects were so talented in buzzing around my ears and to bite unnoticeably, then turn invisible when I turned on the lights. In fact, that was the thing I admired about them.

After going through that psychological torture for the whole night, I had to admit that I was feeling quite irritable. But as soon as I saw my love in my presence, all of that disappeared.

"Hello, my dearest darling," Lucius whispered as I wrapped my arms gently around his neck. As he embraced my waist, I placed a soft kiss on his lips. "Feeling nervous?"

"It's getting quite obvious, doesn't it?" I said with a nervous laugh.

"There's nothing to be nervous about, my love. Look, we're going to take him on a dinner and then discuss everything with him. Alright?" He said, and I agreed. As he explained everything like that, I could easily relax. Everything seemed so easy with him.

"Well, let's just hope he's going to react the way we want to," I said, causing him to chuckle.

"Even if he doesn't, my dearest, do you really think that I care?" Lucius responded, placing a kiss on my cheek. "I adore you, darling, and nothing will change it," He said, making my cheeks tingle with blush.

"As do I, love," I whispered with a soft smile, planting a small kiss on his jaw.

As Lucius went to tell Draco about the dinner that was about to be in an hour, I began getting ready for it. I had nothing so special in my mind, just a simple long red dress combined with elegant black heels. Since I had everything planned out, it didn't take that much to get dressed. The make-up was also usual, nude eyeshadow and a reddish-pinkish lipstick.

Like always, my problem was the hair. Even though it looked pretty simple, my hair always had a will of its own. And obviously, today it wasn't planning on looking good. As I was struggling to brush out the knots in it, I was wondering how I could style it so it looks decent.

I went through a dozen of hairstyles – let down (definitely not), picking up a few strands with a claw clip (nope), lifting it up in a bun (Merlin, no!). While doing that, I realised the high ponytail could do the job. I styled it with bigger earrings and was surprised at how normal it actually looked. The last step was to add a few drops of my favourite perfume and I was all set up and ready to do this. At least physically, since the mental part was still a bit of a trouble to me.

* * *

The dining room embraced us with its warm ambiance, the gentle flicker of candlelight casting a soft glow on our faces. Lucius, Draco, and I settled comfortably around the table, a sense of anticipation mingling with the aromas of the delectable meal before us. Tonight, we would unveil a truth to Draco that had remained hidden until now—a truth that would definitely bring us closer. As we began to savor the flavors of the sumptuous dishes, Lucius leaned back in his chair, a playful glimmer in his eyes. "Draco, there's something important we want to share with you."

Draco's eyebrows lifted in curiosity, his gaze flickering between us. "Alright, I'm all ears. What's going on?"

Lucius exchanged a knowing glance with me before he spoke, his voice filled with a mix of warmth and anticipation. "You see, Catherine and I are... seeing each other for a certain amount of time."

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