ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɴɪɴᴇᴛᴇᴇɴ: ꜰɪɴᴅɪɴɢ ʟᴏᴠᴇ

789 19 2

When the conversation with Lucius was surprisingly over, I went back to my office. I was gone for only a week, but the pile was as big as I wasn't there for a week. There was a lot of work, and I was ready only to give up, so I thought a bit of cognac wont hurt. I took out the one Zelda gifted me for my birthday last year – it was already half empty, so I decided to end it today.

The cognac had already caused some impact on me when someone knocked on the door. I instinctively rolled my eyes, thinking it was some student who accidentally cursed himself or something like that. Soon enough, I realized my assumptions were wrong, and the realization hit me – my heart started beating faster as I saw him.

Lucius entered the office and closed the door, confidently resting his cane on the ground. His icy blue eyes pierced right through mine as he slowly got closer to me. Surprisingly, he looked even hotter than usual.

"Tell me, do you still have some of that cognac?" He asked, never breaking eye contact.

"Ah, I finished it just a few minutes ago," I confessed and giggled uncontrollably, looking down at my rings.

"Now, there's no need to feel shy, love. Look at me," Lucius said in a low voice, then lifted my head with his hand.

His eyes were so beautiful and shiny, and his lips had a small smirk. It felt incredibly unreal, just to be this close in his presence and feel the hypnotizing scent of his cologne and peppermint. The eye contact we made felt like it lasted forever. Then, Lucius closed the gap between us and possessed my lips with such passion. Such a good kisser he was, I instantly moaned into the kiss.

"Good girl," he said, "having no idea for how long I wanted to do that," I looked at him with interest, clearly amused by that one.

"Really?" I asked back. "Definitely not longer than I did," As I finished my thought, Lucius chuckled, pressing his lips on mine again.

He then lowered his head to kiss and nibble on my neck, and my fingers tangled in his silky hair as I threw my head back in pure pleasure. When he found that particular sweet spot close to my right ear, he made me whine and I subtly pull him closer to me.

Lucius glanced up across my shoulder, looking at the desk – luckily, I'd cleaned it out just like I knew something was going to happen. With a cocky smirk on his face, he lifted me by my thighs and walked over to it. After putting me down on it, Lucius set himself a task to take my clothes off. Taking the hem of my blouse in his delicate fingers, he violently parted them, making all the buttons fly away in their own direction. The blouse also flew on the ground, just like the black lacy bra I wore.

"Much better, love," he said lowly, observing my naked chest.

I smirked, having the same plan regarding his clothes. "I could say the same if you just let me..." instead of finishing the sentence, I took the button on his shirt to undo it. However, it didn't specifically go the way I wanted and my vision got a bit blurry.

"Poor thing, let me help you. It gets complicated after a few glasses of cognac, doesnt it?" He said, swiftly removing his shirt. With that move, he immediately lost my attention.

My eyes were locked on his toned, muscular body. It was better than I could ever imagine, which was really praiseworthy for his age. "Wow, so much better. I was getting tired of imagining," I said and kissed his neck, leaving a hickey.

Lowering my head and leaving wet kisses from his neck down to his chest, I had to get off that table. Lucius looked down at me and chuckled. "Getting impatient?" he asked cockily.

"M-hm," I responded with a smirk, then lowered to my knees.

Lucius undid the zipper on his pants and slid them down together with his underwear, letting his huge, hard cock slap against his abdomen. I licked the tip which was already glistening in pre-cum.

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