ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜɪʀᴛʏ-ᴏɴᴇ: ᴍʀꜱ. ᴛʜᴇʀᴇꜱᴀ ᴡᴀʟᴋᴇʀ

449 11 0

We all felt extremely happy that the final marks from all the subjects were given, and that today was the last day of the school year. The school year finished as Albus held his usual speech. During this year, I've learned that every once in a while, whatever the occasion was, he used the chance to hold a speech. However, as it ended, we had lunch and talked.

"I swear his speeches get longer and longer every year," Minerva said, and I laughed. "You'll see next year," she added.

After lunch, the students from Beuxbatons and Durmstrang left. I was standing close to Hagrid, who shed a few tears for Olympe. I was so happy that I didn't have to go through all of that. Albus was right - it would be much harder for me if Igor left now.

But, of course, every bad situation also brings a good one. This particular one brought me a long-awaited love, and I am more than grateful for that.

"One whole year passed, cousin. I'm so happy that you're here," Zelda said.

"Aww, I knew you were in a crisis before I got here..." I said through a laugh.

"Oh, Merlin, I was! This place is so boring without you!" She responded.

I looked at my students who were talking before the train could come. The happiness they felt radiated on me, and my face shone with a smile. I couldn't describe how I enjoyed being here. I've met people who understand me and with whom I can talk about everything. Also, I have Zelda here, which made it a million times more interesting.

* * *

I was finally home, being freed from all of the work. That sadly didn't mean that I didn't have to do anything. Though I've been coming to the house at least once a month, I didn't manage to clean it thoroughly. The dust has covered everything that you can lay your eye on, and everything needed to be sorted out and cleaned.

I began with the kitchen, where I had to resort the dishes, clean the stove and organise the drawers with cutlery. When I entered the living room, I heard the bell on my door. I sighed and walked to open the god damn door. While I was heading to the door, I asked myself who on Earth could be in front of them.

"Catherine, my dear! Look at you, so beautiful..."

"Mother! How are you?" I asked.

Indeed, I was faced with the friendly appearance of Mrs Theresa Walker. I was so happy to see her. She looked like an older version of me, but her hair was dark brown. It was currently lifted up in a fancy bun, and she wore small golden hoop earrings.

"The weather is beautiful now, isn't it? Very typical for the sun in Gemini!" She said, and I chuckled, never actually understanding her references to astrology. Though it was her big passion, she never really managed to transfer that love to me. I had to admit that I was more like my father, so hopelessly interested in the area of dark arts.

"As you say. Something to drink?" I offered.

"Oh, I would like a cup of tea with milk," She said as she made herself comfortable on the couch.

I went to the kitchen and took the cup. The water boiled in a few minutes, and the tea was done. I wasn't in a mood for anything warm. Goddamit, it was too hot to drink tea. So I reached for a glass and poured myself some wine.

"Isn't it early for wine?" My mother asked.

"Never," I said, a smirk forming on my face. "Would you like some?"

Nodding with a sigh, she gave me the look. "You're just like your father," she said smirking at me. I smiled and poured the wine into her glass, too. Taking the glass in her hand, she brought it close to her lips and had a sip.

"You're right. It truly soothes me," she said, "You don't tell me anything. How has life been treating you recently?"

"I'm not complaining, to be honest. The job is good, and I have enough time for anything," I replied. She listened to me talking about my assignments and the Tournament, but I knew what her next question was.

"Catherine, darling, leave the job already - I think you already know what interests me... is there anyone special?" she asked, confirming my thoughts. As I looked down and a smile appeared on my lips, I began fidgeting my rings, which made her laugh.

"Well, this reaction is interesting," She said through a laugh.

"Well, yes, there is. For a few months now," I answered, feeling my cheeks heat up.

"Wow! And who is the lucky man?" She asked.

"Lucius Malfoy," I responded, feeling the sense of pride that was to be heard in that respond.

Her jaw dropped in surprise, and she just gave me the look. "Merlin's beard! Congratulations!" she exclaimed.

I laughed, internally melting at the thoughts of him.

"How did you two meet?" She asked, transferring from the empty cup of tea to another glass of wine.

"It's simple - I'm teaching his son," I explained, and she slapped her forehead.

"Why, of course!" She said through a look.

"And honestly, when we're together, I'm not thinking about his wealth, power or something like that. I just love him because of his personality. Actually, he makes me feel special and comforted to the previous one," I admitted, smiling nervously.

"There was someone else?" She asked, and I nodded.

"Igor Karkaroff," This response wasn't of much pride, so I murmured it out quickly. Of course, my mother's ears were able to hear radiowaves, so that murmur was easily hearable to her. She immediately shot me a death stare, causing me to burst out laughing.

"Catherine..." She called quietly. "What is wrong with you?"

"I don't know," I answered and laughed. "Just wanted to feel something, I guess. We met as the Triwizard Tournament began. I was fascinated with him from the beginning, and I just gave in at the Yule Ball," I said.

"Well, my dear, you've got less sense for choosing a right man than a table. The man fled away, leaving you to deal with Voldemort by yourself," She said.

"I know! Oh, how I hate that man!" I said, emptying the second glass of wine.

I love this woman. We could talk about everything, just like sisters. She would always be supportive and told me her opinion on every single thing.

"Hey, I've improved!" I exclaimed, slightly offended.

"Of course."

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