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A/N: My dearest readers, we've came to the ending of this story, so I decided to award you with publishing two chapters today. I have to say that I've enjoyed writing the story and I hope you enjoyed reading it. After a small break I will take, I will present something a bit different. Of course, stay tuned for more info! I can't believe I'm saying this, but enjoy the last chapter! :) yours gxllumsriddles <3

I stirred from my slumber, the gentle light of the morning filtering through the curtains. As I blinked away the remnants of sleep, I realized I was enveloped in the warmth of Lucius's arms. A soft smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I took in the serene sight of his peaceful expression. I shifted slightly, prompting Lucius to stir as well. His eyes fluttered open, and a smile bloomed on his face as he met my gaze.

"Good morning, my love," he whispered, his voice laden with tenderness.

"Good morning," I replied, my voice filled with warmth and affection. I nestled closer to him, reveling in the comfort of his embrace. The world outside our cocoon seemed distant and insignificant as we basked in the quiet intimacy of the morning.

We lay there for a while, our fingers intertwined, sharing gentle caresses and stolen kisses. The soft murmurs of our conversations filled the air, creating an atmosphere of love and contentment. There was no rush to leave the warmth of our haven, no need to face the demands of the day just yet.

With a sigh of contentment, Lucius pressed a tender kiss to my forehead, his touch sending shivers of delight down my spine. "You know, I cherish these moments with you," he confessed, his voice a gentle whisper. "To wake up by your side is truly a privilege."

A blush crept onto my cheeks as I looked up at him, my heart swelling with affection. "And I definitely feel the same, love."

We shared a soft laugh, the sound mingling with the sunlight filtering through the room. The worries and responsibilities of the world could wait a little longer as we savoured the simple joy of being together. Eventually, the demands of the day began to tug at our senses. Reluctantly, we untangled ourselves from our embrace, but the warmth of our connection remained. Together, we embarked on a new day, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Lucius reluctantly left for work, giving me a lingering kiss and a promise to return as soon as he could. With a smile, I watched him leave, feeling a sense of anticipation bubbling within me. Today held a special plan—meeting Zelda in Hogsmeade.

Zelda approached me, her face brimming with excitement. "Kate, you won't believe what I found! Look at this!" She said, waving a copy of the Daily Prophet in her hands.

Curiosity piqued, I took the newspaper from her and scanned the front page. My eyes widened as I read the headline: "A Forbidden Love Revealed: Hogwarts Professor Catherine Walker and Lucius Malfoy's Secret Romance Exposed!"

Zelda grinned mischievously. "Looks like the world knows your little secret now."

I sighed, feeling a mix of nervousness and anticipation. "I hope it's not too scandalous."

Zelda chuckled. "Knowing Rita Skeeter, it probably is. But don't worry, it was already time for you to make it official."

I took a deep breath and nodded. "You're right. Let's see what she's written."

As I prepared myself to read the article, a wave of apprehension washed over me. I hoped that despite the sensationalism, our love would be portrayed with at least a hint of understanding and respect.

Oh, dear readers, brace yourselves for the latest revelation that will leave you spellbound! In an exclusive rendezvous at a distinguished wizarding restaurant, the enigmatic Lucius Malfoy and the radiant Catherine Walker graced the scene, their connection palpable, their chemistry undeniable.

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