chapter 1

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Rae groaned getting out of bed, her dad banging on pots from the kitchen to wake them all up. Mostly just her and her sister who sat looking like a demon on her bed. Sometimes she genuinely scared her as she smiled over, "mornin Layla."

"Shut up," Layla growled as she stomped out of the room and slammed the bathroom door.

Rae knew it was because of their dad and the loud noises. Her older brother and sister now yelling for their dad to stop. "Dad we're both up," Rae said from the hallway.

"Oh good," his voice deep as he kissed the top of her curly head, "gotta get ready for school." He beamed as he grabbed his lunch box and left for work, "don't miss that damn bus!"

Rae laughed now pouring cereal as she watched the news.

Meanwhile Samuel was woken up to his alarm clock. Slamming snooze for the fifth time, leaving his mom no choice but to slam into his room.

"Get up Sam! You still gotta shower and eat," she yelled, waving the dust particles as she patted the duvet for him to get up, "and when you get home you better clean. It smells foul in here." Her face scrunched before slamming his door, successfully waking him up.

Showering half-asleep, he got out to blow dry and straighten his naturally wavy, black hair. Haphazardly coating his monolid eyes in black eyeliner. Not bothering to conceal his dark circles as he got dressed in his usual all black outfit. Adding some studded jewelry and a belt. Not even bothering to look again, he left the room and sat down at the table to eat.

"Kimchi eggs again?" He asked bored while his Korean American mother in her military uniform went to swat at him. Not flinching he kept eating as his father stepped in. His black wavy hair slicked back as he stood at his 6'4" height, "Kim, he's just teasing." He held her hand and pulled her in for a hug.

"Yeah... teasing..." Samuel added, actually craving something sweet.

Blissfully ignoring his parents exchange, "John don't you have to leave for that meeting?"

"Eh it's just the partners, I have a minute to eat my favorite breakfast made by my favorite lady." He kissed her cheek before sitting across from Samuel. He looked up and eyed his white father now stuffing his face. His blue eyes met Samuel's brown, "how's school goin kid?"

"It's good dad."

"Little heavy on the eye makeup today huh?" He added with a non-judgemental tone.

"He looks like them k-pop boys," his mom added, fully laughing at his appearance making Samuel stop eating. John fighting his laugh before trying to reassure him as he removed himself from the kitchen, "Kim," he began.

"Gotta go bye," she waved on her way out, "love you."

Samuel sat in the front of the bus, ignored by everyone and ignoring everyone. Especially the bus driver's weird looks as she randomly looked back at him. Sometimes he thought about hissing to play into his aura but thought he was made fun of enough.

Samuel would sometimes catch the photos people post and share of him online, but it was the main reason he stayed off of social media. Keeping his headphones on always, he just minded his business. While walking to his first class, his shoulder was aggressively bumped into by Josh, the biggest asshole at the school.

He can literally say and do whatever and never gets in trouble.

A joke.

Samuel just stared back over his shoulder before he started walking again, ignoring their loud laughter. Only stopping when he came face to face with her. Usually he would always see her smiling but right now she was fuming from seeing Josh hit him on purpose.

The scowl doing nothing but making her look cuter as she stood a little below his height. Her short curly fro had a small clip in it to part in on the side. Her tight fitting clothing not hiding her larger than average frame. She was radiating a bright light as she always did, even when she was mad.

"Ugh he's too far," Rae huffed, "Samuel are you okay?" The same question she always asks him while he gawks at her.

Gabby, her best friend giving him her signature judgmental, grossed out expression and the two other girls just standing behind Rae, "we gotta get to class," Gabby again tried to pull her away.

"Stop Gab just go without me," Rae said annoyed, now focusing back on Samuel who still couldn't speak, "he hit you pretty hard. Put some ice on it if it starts to hurt. Don't strain it too much either," she said as Gabby coughed from behind Samuel now, wanting Rae to come.

People greeting Rae while we stood in everyone's way.

Everyone loved her.

"Oh and don't worry, I'll find Josh later and get on his ass about this," she added, making Samuel smirk at her. Even though whenever she stood up to him, they would call her names.

Names that made him even more upset than what they call him.

He doesn't know how she does it. How she can stick up for him and her and whoever else is around. It's one of the things he admires most about her. His thoughts being interrupted by her small wave at him before rejoining her friends. People shoving Samuel once again, now rushing to their classes.

Rae sat in her first period still mad about Josh, unable to get it out of her head. Her leg tapping rapidly.

"Are you forreal still on that?" Trey asked from beside her, "he prolly ain't even mean nothing by it."

"Trey, he hit him on purpose."

"Then that boy needs to say something. You stay involving yourself like it's your business," he sucked his teeth, making Rae even more mad.

"Everyone says that until they're the ones getting made fun of. Wishing someone would help them out. If I didn't do it, no one would... not even these teachers. They don't care." Rae whispered back at him, trying to prove a point to which Trey just rolled his eyes, adjusting even more comfortably in the desk chair.

People could say whatever they want: Rae's doing too much, Rae's being annoying, Rae's in everyone's business. She did not care. As long as people leave other people alone and mind their business, she's doing the same.

She was raised to help people out and to know to be nice to others. It was sickening to see that even now, people still think it's okay to make fun of others. Trying to calm down, she focused on her classwork before heading to the rest of her classes of the day.

Conveniently most of them with Samuel in them.

Although he sat alone in the far front corner of the room, making her wish she would have chosen to sit by him at the beginning of the year.

Something about him and the way he carried himself just let her know he was a genuinely good person. Which is why she sticks up for him.

They may not have talked much but they have spoken enough for her to feel some responsibility. Especially knowing she would never want to be treated that way. Apart of her questioned if it was all out of pity, but she craved their small exchanges in classes or in the hallways. He was a shy boy and that made him even more cute to her.

Caught staring, she looked away with a wide grin as Samuel stared back, fighting his smile before focusing on his notes.

These small exchanges have went on for two years. Neither of them getting the other's phone number and not seeing each other the entire summer. They both secretly looked forward to the first day of school to finally see one another again.

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