chapter 59

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Dahlia told David the moment Rae sent her location that both of their roommates would be more than fine. She even offered her apartment for the night just in case they decided to fully enjoy each other's company.

Which they did.

Int he morning, Samuel was embracing Rae as they were still fast asleep. She laid half on top of him and was the first to wake up. The hangover intense as she squinted her eyes at the brightness of his room. Groaning, she was rubbing her face, fully aware that he was underneath her as she stayed right where she was.

Never wanting to move again.

"Morning," she said into her hands after feeling him begin to move and stretch. His hands were right back on her, almost holding her in place: immobile. Grunting in response he closed his eyes and had a closed-mouth smile. Rae could barely look over at him before she laughed. "I'm not going anywhere," she tried reassuring him only for the pressure to increase around her.

He rolled onto his side so they now faced one another, his eyes taking in all of her. Ignoring her mess of makeup and frizzy hair. Finding her just as beautiful as he always has. Most of the makeup gone, revealing her still slightly bruised eye. His fingers lightly brushed any stray hairs from the area as he locked onto it.

"It doesn't hurt," she tried to interrupt his investigation. Rae wasn't sure what to say or do as he just sighed. He still hadn't said a single word to her. Instead, she felt his hand now caressing the back of her head, pushing her closer to him only to place a small kiss above the eyebrow of the bruise. "Why won't you tell me what happened?"

Their brown eyes glaring into one another's. Both of them searching for something different in the other's.

Her small shrug in response making him fight a chuckle. She had barely changed, he found it sort of  refreshing. "Or, you could tell me if you are going to leave me again. I really hope I've changed your mind," his deep voice automatically igniting a fire within her.

The moment he asked, her gaze went from defensive to pleading. As if she was begging for more. He could barely keep eye contact with her as his eyes began to roam again.

"I may need a little more convincing," she joked with a small bite of her lower lip.

Both of them laughing as they found solace in one another once again.

Now heading towards the kitchen, Rae's heart felt so full knowing he had kept a few giant shirts for her... never expecting him to be so hopeful for their relationship.

Or what was left of it after she left.

Barely covered by the shirt, she approached him and the loud blender. Her hands gently wrapping around his bicep as she leaned against him, "how's your finger? I forgot to ask."

She laughed lightly and wiggled it at him, showing the minimal scar.

"Fine actually. It's a little shorter than the rest now but it's not that noticeable." She reassured him with a wide grin. It was returned, and the sight almost making her tear up. Being back in his kitchen, seeing him smile at her and all of their memories flooding back. "You okay?" He asked her, feeling the shift in the mood as she looked back up with the tears ready to fall.

He couldn't express how anxious he was at the sight.

This entire scene reminding him of the last time she was here.


"No it's not that, I am just so sorry Sam... I've missed you so much and I was worried you hated me so I didn't reach out sooner," she confessed, her grip on his arm tightening as he slowly turned off the blender, "I fucked up."

"You didn't," he shook his head, trying to reassure her, "it took me a little while to really try to understand where you were coming from... like a long time actually," he tried to laugh, "and I get it. You needed to focus on you and your stress. Not that I was stressful... well I hope not, but you just needed to handle your own stuff."

Rae now fully threw herself at him, hugging him tightly. Her cheek pressed so hard into his chest she thought she was going to kill him.

"Did you handle it? All that stressful stuff?" His voice almost a whisper as he spoke into her hair.

Rae shook her head no, trying to be as truthful as possible.

With no words and only her silent response, she could feel him stiffen underneath her. Making her more sad than she anticipated. Now looking up at him, her chin lightly pressing against his chest as he looked down at her, she gave a small smile, "that's how I got the black eye."

Her confession making his eyebrows shoot up and his eyes widen.

"My sisters were fighting and I tried to break it up, especially since my nieces and nephew were there. It wasn't cute at all," she tried to smile through the memories as she closed her eyes, "they get on my last nerve... all of them and their horrible decisions... but I still love them."

"Of course."

Her round eyes opening to gaze back into his, "I still love you too. I don't think I'll ever not love you Samuel."

Still processing last night and her words now: his mind was on overdrive.

This had to have been the most verbally affectionate and clear Rae has ever been with him. Typically she was too shy or nervous to say how she really felt, and yet she just said the words he has felt since they were 15.

"I don't think-" he said calmly down to her now nervous face, his hand caressing the side of it, "I know I will always love you Rae."

"Can we please get back together? Like officially this time... girlfriend and boyfriend or whatever?"

Trying to remain calm and seem cool, Samuel decided not to speak as he lifted her onto his counter. Her laughs echoing within his small kitchen making him smile before enveloping her in a passionate kiss. Their hands feverish once again as Rae struggled to catch her breath. Breaking this kiss, damn near gasping for air, her hands stayed gripping his hair as he continued his trail of kisses down her neck and shoulder.

"Yes." He barely growled, right below her ear as her entire body shivered in anticipation. "Does this mean you accept my apology for leaving?" She moaned into the air at one of his hands fully cupping her between her legs.

The sweet pressure making her now grip the edge of the counter before his lips found hers again.

"What do you think sunshine?" His words seared into her brain along with the look he gave her as his face found itself between her thighs.

"I'll still drink it," Samuel shrugged as he handed Rae the completely melted smoothie he had made for her around an hour ago. "What's even in here?" Rae used the metal straw to try and push the liquid around.

"All good stuff."

Rae's raised eyebrow and expression making him smile at her, over halfway done his, "okay so mango, strawberry, orange, pineapple.... and some other stuff."

Her face scrunched in almost disgust at the drink. Trying her best to reel it in as she faked a smile and groan of approval. "Mmmm, yum." She said dryly as she forced herself to take another sip under his gaze.

Little did she realize, it was an amusing one as he watched her struggle.

"Okay so I overdid it on the kale and spinach maybe."

"I knew it! You know kale and I don't get along." She pointed at him, setting the cup down. "It tastes like ass."

Before Samuel could even give his smart response, Rae threatened him with his own smoothie.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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