chapter 12

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They both looked up some nearby bars and decided on one that was only two blocks away.

Walking side by side they joked and reminisced.

At the bar, they both drank... and continued to drink especially Rae. Enjoying each other's company way too much before Rae's phone rang showing Gabby's name.

"Don't," Samuel held her phone down, his large hand covering the phone and part of her hand. His warmth severely clouding her judgement as she slowly blinked at him. Mesmerized by his hair bouncing each time he shook his head side to side.

"Why? What if she needs me?" She pouted, obviously drunk.

"She's grown." He replied before easily taking her phone from her. Letting the call drop on its own before holding it up to Rae's content face. It unlocks and he starts going through it.

"What're you doing?" She inquired, sloppily leaning forward, unknowingly using his thigh for support as their foreheads touched. He tried looking up at how close they were while she tried to focus on what he was looking at in her phone.

"Putting my number in here," he said, never taking his eyes off her, their closeness making him nervous.

"Mmm, good." She nodded slowly before sitting back down, "I'm just happy I didn't have to- to ask," she waved a finger at him.

"Were you going to?"

"Obviously," she smiled at him her eyes closing naturally, now leaning into her hand as it was propped on the bar, "I missed you." He couldn't really read her expression as she kept her eyes closed now. He was happy she was relaxing, wondering what happened in these few years. Wishing he could help in any way.

"Wanna go home?" He asked her as he texted himself from her phone to have her number. Just in case she doesn't have this same courage tomorrow.

"That's the last thing I wanna do," she confessed as she stared deeply into his eyes, "please Samuel, anything but that."

Not fully understanding and getting way too concerned, whatever buzz he did feel was gone. The bartender eyeing her warily, making sure she was okay as Gabby started calling again. This time Rae was quick to snatch her phone off the bar to answer.

"I can't hear you," she screamed before putting it on speaker, "are you okay Gab? You me? I mean me- you need me?

"Where are you? You left and never said that you got home, that's the least you could do after leaving me there by myself."

"I'm sorry, I just got in my head a little and didn't wanna ruin the mood," Rae said with a sad face, "I didn't mean to." Happy her hair started to hide her face from Samuel's prominent scowl.

"Sure," Gabby said unconvinced, "you always find a way to ruin the mood no matter what we're doing or where we're at. It's always about you."

"I said I was sorry. I mean it, I'm so sorry," Rae's head hung so low. She jumped as Samuel slammed his fist on the counter, distracting her enough to take the phone effortlessly from her, "Gabby I swear to god if you don't leave her alone we're gonna have problems. She's good, I got her." He hung up, "fuck." He huffed angrily, looking over to see Rae with tears welling up in her eyes.

"I'm sorry," she apologized to him, "I do this all the time and I just get sad and don't wanna do anything. They try to bring me out to make me feel better and I just stand there and ruin everything. And now we're trying to have fun and I keep crying," she covered her face with her free hand, her confessions making him reach for her to remove her hand, "and I made you mad."

"Hey," his voice too sweet, "you aren't ruining anything, I'm having the best time." He said truthfully, making her try to smile.


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