chapter 13

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"Happy Satur-" David stopped mid-sentence as he saw Samuel asleep on the couch. Confused as hell, he walked over to figure out why he was sleeping there, "please tell me you did not sleep here all night... without a blanket," David asked in a judgmental tone as he lightly patted Samuel's head.

Swattin his hand away, Samuel nodded and started to stretch, "what time is it?"

"9:30 in the morn," David was still crouching to be on the same eye level as his narrowed, "who would've know you can get drunk as a skunk at Michelle's art thingy." The roll of his eyes when he said her name not unnoticed especially since he verbalized how bad her energy was.

Samuel just shook his head as he started to sit up still stretching, his morning voice even deeper. David now doing the same as he fully stood up before noticing Samuels door was cracked. "Why didn't you sleep in your bed? Did you just pass out here?"

Samuel's eyes widened, as he slightly forgot Rae was still here. Rushing and flipping around, David just watched with amusement as he tried straightening up their apartment. Granted, there was very little to clean. David's intrigue increased drastically as Samuel let to brush his teeth and then start cooking.

Waiting for him to be fully distracted, he made his way over to Samuel's room before pushing open his door further to see the girl knocked out in his bed.

"Now that ain't Michelle," David laughed as Samuel now sprinted to the door to try and close it, but David kept his hand on the door knob, "c'mon don't wake her up," Samuel pleaded and David's grin was even wider.

"So are you gonna tell me who she is orrrrr?" Samuel couldn't help but laugh at David's exaggeration as he practically whined. Turning around, hoping he will follow him. He resumed cooking the eggs that were on the stove.

"You keep asking me all these questions, but where were you?" Samuel inquired with a brow raised.

David leaned on the counter and signed dramatically, "went out with a couple of guys from my class. Met a girl at a bar and whatever. Got freaking trashed and ended up at her place. Honestly neither of us felt like doing anything and she was kind enough to let me stay... so I did. She was sweet."

All Samuel did was shake his head and continued cooking, "I'm seeing two eggs and there's three people in this apartment."

"Good job counting David," Samuel said in a mocking voice as he plated the eggs, proud of his work while popping bread in the toaster.

David knew Samuel was a nice guy. The very few times he did happen to have a girl over, who wasn't his girlfriend, they either left without saying anything or Samuel did his best to make sure they were all good to go.

Although he has never, ever cooked breakfast for a girl who just spent the night. This mystery girl was one of two that Sam has had sleep over and the first to receive breakfast.

He felt like he was watching an animal at the zoo: he couldn't stop.

While Samuel was consumed in his own world and thoughts, the urge to just want to know who she was was too strong. It overcame David as he creeped out of the kitchen to silent head into Samuel's room. Each step, quiet and intentional as he found himself barely able to not laugh down at the bed, "good morning," he whispered in a soft, gentle voice down at Rae, "time to get up."

He watched her shift and adjust herself under the blanket before she turned to face his direction. Allowing David to try and recognize her, something about her familiar. Rubbing her eyes gently while her soft groans and noises escaped. Everything he found adorable as he took note of her curls, now frizzy and all over. Then he noticed her still make up covered face, leading him to believe they met last night.

"Psssst," he continued to whisper, hoping he didn't scare her as all he wanted to do was talk.

Slowly Rae began to open her eyes, the brightness in the room as the windows had no curtains, almost blinding her. Using her hand to shield her eyes, she started to sit up before groaning from her headache. She definitely didn't drink enough water and she drank too much alcohol.

Wondering how much walking she did last night as her feet throbbed under the cover. She remembered most of the night, so she didn't freak out. Knowing that nothing really happened between her and Samuel and appreciative that he let her stay over, "thanks for letting me stay." Her voice slightly grumbly since she had just woken up.

"It was our pleasure," David said with a brow raised as he now leaned over to smile directly at her. Rae grew nervous at the unfamiliar voice as she opened her eyes and jumped slightly. His chestnut acne-free skin glowing and the deep brown of his eyes alight with something she couldn't place. The straight, bright white teeth fully on display making her wonder:

Why was Samuel and his friend so attractive?

Unable to find something to say, she just grabbed the blanket nervously thankful when Samuel came into the room to intervene. "David man come on," he said as he firmly grabbed his shoulder to pull him away, "I asked you not to wake her up," he tried to scold him quietly which Rae heard.

Now hyper aware of what she may look like, she tried rubbing under her eyes and fixing whatever she could. Feeling her hair, she sighed. Usually it's in a bonnet and up, never down when she slept. Then her hand wandered to her mouth trying to discretely smell her breath while the two men went back and forth and Samuel was still occupied ushering David from the room. Looking down, she started fixing her top, trying her best to make sure everything was in place. Hating the feeling of not having brushed her teeth, she kept her hand over her mouth.

"Sorry about him, I know he's a lot." He apologized as he turned to see her covering her mouth. Now curious and before he asked she interrupted, "toothbrush? Do you have an extra?"

Making him laugh as he used his hand to point behind his shoulder, "I actually made you breakfast if you wanted to eat first?"

Rae's cheeks displaying her wide grin from under her hand before she blushed. "My breath is hot so can I brush really quick? And wash my face? I forgot I had makeup on. I don't usually wear this much." Samuel laughed as he motioned for her to follow him, her sleeves slouching even further as she awkwardly followed behind him. David grinning from the kitchen and offered a small wave. She now realized he stood at the her height before waving back and offering a smile.

"My dad always forgets a toothbrush when they come so I ask my hygienist to hand me a couple extra on the side. She's super cool about it," Samuel chuckled as he reached in the organized medicine cabinet to grab the new toothbrush. She watched him quietly and with a look of contentment as he handed it to her.

Grabbing it, she thanked him before he grabbed his face wash for her to use. "Are you okay to use this?" He showed her the brand but her eyes never left his face. He looked back up, feeling her staring as all she did was smile and nod. He couldn't help but let out an awkward laugh and feel heat rise to his cheeks.

This type of anxiousness something he couldn't seem to control. "The moisturizer and other stuff, my stuff is on this side of the cabinet," he pointed to it.

"Thank you," her voice soft as Samuel went to squeeze past her to leave the bathroom. She stepped back to give him enough room which wasn't enough. Their proximity dangerously close and made both of their breaths stop. Unable to help herself, she quickly closed the door behind him, falling to the sink, now allowing herself to freak out.

"You got this," her voice is extremely low so no one heard her, "no big deal. It's just Sam. You know Sam." She was looking at her reflection, trying to convince herself that this wasn't a big deal. If she let herself freak out, she would be way too embarrassed to even face him.

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