chapter 5

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Eventually, Samuel felt comfortable enough to say something he knows he should have said multiple times, "this may seem random but um, thanks for sticking up for me you know, at school."

Her brown eyes eying him now, making him look back down, "you don't ever have to thank me for that. Literally anyone around should be doing it."

"But they don't and- and you do," he says before gaining the courage to look at her.

Only to see her smile at him, "anytime." Whenever she smiled and to whoever, nobody could resist smiling back at her. Samuel was convinced she just has such a beautiful smile that it is impossible not to return.

It's so big and bright.

So warm and inviting.


"You're the nicest person I think I'll ever meet." He blurted, trying not to show any remorse in saying it.

"That's so not true," she scoffed, yet her smile barely faded.

"I'm serious Rae," his voice sounding the most interested she's ever heard him before, "you're like this giant, blinding ray of actual sunshine."

She doesn't care for puns especially since she's heard that one a million times but this time... it was the nicest compliment she's ever received.

This compliment came from a boy.

A boy sitting at the edge of her bed.

A boy she always noticed, for the two years since he's moved here.

For once in her life, she didn't know what to say.

"You're welcome," he flashed his pearly white teeth once again, the second time today, making her cheeks flush.

These were unfamiliar emotions Rae was feeling, never before feeling this level of attraction towards anyone.

At least not anyone in real life.

"May I ask you something?" Her quick question making his head pop back up, nodding slightly, "why don't you talk? I mean- like at school? You're so nice too."

"Thanks..." he smirked, "I mean I moved a lot growing up, so I never really made friends. At least not any that I keep in touch with like that. Plus we're graduating soon."

His comment making her brows furrow naturally, confused, "what's that mean?"

Samuel looked so nonchalant as he responded, "that I won't see anyone from this school again."

Rae's eyebrows now shot up quickly, a concerned look also showed in her overall face. Samuel didn't mean anything by what he said, especially not towards her.

He grew nervous as she finally spoke, "well, I mean kind of... I guess?" She looked down at the notebook resting on her thighs before looking back up to meet his gaze, "I wouldn't mind keeping in touch with you after graduation," her words hung between them in the air. His eyes widened, "and- and I'm sure if you opened up to a few other people you'd make some good friends too! Like Lisa in Chem? She's nice," for the first time ever, Samuel heard Rae sound flustered.

It was a relief to him knowing she could possibly feel the same. He didn't want to assume anything either as she's nice to everyone.

"I wouldn't mind keeping in touch with you either Rae," he smiled at her, thankful he didn't stutter at all, "and Lisa isn't that nice to be seen around the emo asian."

"Don't talk about yourself like that," Rae playfully shoved him, "you're dope."

"Not dope," he mocked her, making both of them laugh.

"Lots of laughing coming from in here," Jamal interrupted, making both of them jump, "also kid, your mom is here to pick you up." Samuel silently gathered his things, taking peeks at her dad who watched his every move.

"Here let me help," Rae offered as they both straightened up, secretly exchanging looks. Walking out together with her dad's shadow looming closely behind them. She waved goodbye to him and his mom. Kim was appreciative that her son was in one piece as they left. Samuel glancing back once to see her watching from their storm door: a content smile on her face.

"Seems like a nice kid," Jamal said pretending like he wasn't hovering the entire time. Rae rolled her eyes and laughed, leaving to go finish putting her stuff away. Gwen smiling widely at Jamal, "yeah, shy though," she added as he agreed.

Suddenly Layla and Darren appeared out of nowhere, "I heard some stuff about that kid," Layla said lowly. Her parents all too invested as Darren rolled his eyes and inevitably listened in, plopped on the couch.

"What have you heard?" Gwen curiously asked her daughter.

The three of them were way too invested, as they all leaned forward, waiting for her to start talking.

"Last year, sometimes I would see the stuff they post about him online. He doesn't talk to anybody at all, I guess, except for Ray." Her tone was dry, and bored.

"He has no other friends?" Darren asked, sounding somewhat concerned.

All Layla did was shake her head no, now looking at him as he responded, "I think I recently delivered to their house. I don't know his parents seem normal, and he doesn't seem like a bad kid."

"Even I had friends in high school," Layla added making both parents look at each other before looking up to see Rae staring at all of them. "So even you guys, gossip about someone who's done nothing wrong. Nice." She shook her head disapprovingly and went into her bedroom, not even eating dinner.

A large part of her felt ashamed and even disappointed, knowing that the people who taught her all she knows, now about being nice to others, and not judging people by their looks, are sitting and doing the same thing. Especially since Layla's whole identity is darker than Samuel's when it comes to grunge.

All she could do is curl up in a ball and lay in her bed, she thought her phone might satiate her for a little while, but she didn't feel like going on it. With a loud sigh, she regretted not getting his number.

She wanted to talk to him.

As Samuel put his seatbelt on after just getting picked up, he was being more quiet than usual. Kim kept glancing over at him as they took their short drive back to their house, "how was it? Did you get a lot of work done?"

With no response yet, she looked over to see Samuel looking down and fighting a smile, making her grin grow. For the first time she realized that her son was blushing, "I'll take that as a yes. "

She didn't want to push anything, afraid that he won't want to talk about it. Pulling into their driveway, she still fought the urge to talk to him more. Pull any details from him about what he was feeling.

Instead, she just let him get out of the car. Her thumbs were moving rapidly as she texted John all of the details.

When they walked into the house, John barely got himself together, as if he was just naturally waiting for him to come in. They both could tell that John had just ran from whatever room he was in to pretend like he was sitting in their living room.

Slightly out of breath, his eyebrows shot up as he realized his son was still smiling to himself as he acknowledged him and went into his room. The second his door shut, both of his parents started whispering and giggling to each other in the living room. They were both talking about how exciting this was and how happy they were for Samuel.

It felt normal.

And they were so happy.

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