chapter 23

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It was way already late as they finished the last few things that were now piled up all in her new room. She gently lifted her curls to wipe the sweat with her sleeve before catching way too short of a glimpse of Samuel lifting the bottom of his shirt to wipe the sweat.

Watching under the artificial lights as the sweat beaded on his toned, lean abdomen. His veins on display in his forearms as his face was entirely covered by his shirt. His back curved slightly and naturally his ab muscles flexed even more. He was a work of art and she couldn't take her eyes away on her own. "Take a picture," Dahlia whispered snapping Rae from her near drooling. Shaking her head and closing her eyes she looked over and up at Dahlia who still stared. "Hey!" Rae added worried Samuel might feel weird knowing they were staring as they did.

"Jealous?" She asked Rae who nearly turned red as a tomato, "no- no, I said that cause if he saw us, then he might feel weird or we-"

"Whoa breathe," Dahlia gently grabbed her shoulders to turn her, "I was kidding." Her voice much louder than Rae's was as she couldn't help but start laughing before covering her face in shame. "Don't worry, I totally get it. Got me over here staring too," Dahlia added to make Rae feel better before turning to leave the room.

"Want me to drive the u-haul back for you?" Samuel appeared unexpectedly beside her, his deep voice making her slightly jump as if she'd been caught doing something terrible. He noticed her stiffness and her barely able to maintain eye contact. "No it's okay, I can do it. You guys did way too much for me today." Her hand waving rapidly, annoyed by his offer.

"We didn't mind helping you out," David now cut in, "as least I didn't."

Samuel glaring over at him as he insinuated he had a problem with it. Before he could say anything she cut in, "I appreciate you guys, thank you," Samuel's heart beating uncontrollably just by being near her, "if you want I can treat you guys to dinner? I'll go ask Dahlia too and you guys can figure out what you want."

"David, can you help really quick?" Dahlia called from the front door as David smiled widely and skipped to go help. More than happy to leave them two alone. Knowing Dahlia was like him and trying to meddle. As soon as he rounded the corner, she grabbed his bicep as they both tried to not laugh as they eavesdropped. Dahlia telling David that when they all go out to eat that they'll both make excuses to leave: he loved the plan.

Rae quietly twisted her body back and forth, the wave of silence between them obvious as they stood alone in her room. "well... before I ask them, what do you say?"

Samuel just smiled and nodded, now shoving his hands in his pockets. "I'm down for whatever," those words making her slightly blush in response, realizing she probably looked a hot mess. Stiffening at the thought, she reached a hand up and felt all of her frizz and random short curls that now stuck out around her head.

The warmth from his hand catching her off guard as he gently held hers to pull away from her head. She didn't even register that she could see his body close to hers as she slowly looked up, soaking in his appearance and closeness before meeting his gaze.

"You look cute," he gave a half chuckle before gently reaching for one of her curls that sprung from the large ponytail. This was always an absolute no for anyone who tried it... but she let him. Softly caressing the spiral before gently pulling to let it spring, making him chuckle, "beautiful."

The back to back compliments sending her heart racing impossibly fast as her eyes drifted to him still holding her hand beside them. Finally he removed his gaze from her hair to see her thumb began to feel his hand without their hands separating. Both of them watching as she felt his soft skin and admired the contrast between their skin.

"I look a mess," she added afraid to see what he was looking at. So she kept her eyes locked on their hands. Naturally following as he pulled it towards his face. Twisting the hold so her hand faced him as he placed a soft kiss on the back of her hand. Needing for her to look at him and acknowledge his blatant advances.

He desperately wanted her.

It felt like a need in this moment; he needed her.

"You could never," he smiled down at her before yanking her closer so their bodies collided with a soft thud. The only other noise was Rae gasping from feeling him pressed against her. "Samuel-" her voice extremely low, barely even a whisper knowing she didn't need to speak up. They were so close together.

The body she was just admiring and fawning over was now available for her to touch and explore. It was providing a warmth she's never truly allowed herself to feel as her free hand now landed on his bicep, gripping it firmly. Silently hoping he never backed away and he received the message as he watched her reaction to him placing his free hand on the small of her back.

The moment her eyes closed and she bit her lip was like bliss.

No pulling away, no denying, they were just enjoying each other.

The silence making Dahlia and David all too curious as they crept to poke both of their heads past the door frame. Now fully able to see both of them in an embrace while Samuel have her the look any girl would go weak in the knees for. Before David could squeal, knowing how much Samuel has talked about Rae over the past few years and seeing him this happy, Dahlia rescued both them and the moment as she pulled him away.

Rae felt like time stopped as all she could hear was her blood pumping. No other thoughts lingered in her head as Samuel continued to lean forward. Needing for this moment to consume him and his thoughts, wanting to fully enjoy it. Feeling his soft hair brushing against her forehead, his nose gently settle pressed next to hers, and his warm breaths softly hitting her face, Rae stiffened as she heard herself let out a small whine.

The noise only heard by the two of them before Samuel froze along with her. Not sure if it was a good or bad noise after feeling how unmovable she was. He didn't back away as their faces were right in the other person's.

Too embarrassed, she squeezed her eyes shut and gripped his bicep tighter. Not realizing she had been holding her breaths once again, she started breathing heavily, as if sighing of relief before pressing her cheek against his. Not sure what she'd do if she still had access to his lips.

"I can't believe I did that," Rae said still being demolished by the waves of embarrassment. Her hands how wrapped over his arms, one around his neck to cover her face. Samuel now realized the noise she made was anything but negative, unable to stop his smile he grabbed both sides of her face. The long breath he drawled in catching her full attention.

Rae wasn't sure if Samuel knew how he was looking at her. She was pretty sure he was the most seductive, perfect man alive as he began to exhale. Sighing along the way while biting his bottom lip and lightly shaking his head. Gently pressing his forehead to hers, making sure his grip firm enough so she couldn't pull away.

"I liked it." His voice husky and the unfamiliar pressure began building, "the noise you made."

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