chapter 32

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Seeing her just standing at the door, fully leaning against it in just a skin tight, two-piece tube outfit was a dream. The skirt riding up even shorter and her hair a curly mess around her. "I gotta help him home," Samuel said before Rae approached him slowly.

Samuel continued to back up, unable to not admit that he was enjoying her boldness. He felt the softness of the bed on the back of his legs before slowly sitting down. Looking down at him Rae couldn't even listen to whatever insecurities were lingering. "You can help him home tomorrow morning... you guys can stay the night... Don't you want to stay the night? Here? With me?" With each question she was somehow now hovering over him on the bed. Her hair surrounding them as he looked up at her.

"Rae, I don't-"

In a gentle voice she shushed him and adjusted herself to now straddle his lap. Both of them enjoying the position as she sat upright.

"Can you kiss me like you did earlier?"

Wanting to do whatever she said, his hands landed on her behind. Pushing her body further into his as he sat upright for their faces to be closer. Her sharp breath now caught in her throat as he watched her eyes close.

She was just expecting him to do as she asked. Yet Samuel expected her to open her eyes and demand it after a couple of minutes.

Nothing could have ever prepared him for the sound of her begging him: "Samuel. Please."

Rae couldn't describe the noise that he made before he forcefully crashed his lips onto hers. This kiss was sloppy and rough.

Unfathomably more intense than earlier.

She was still reeling over the same kiss from earlier that had her thinking she'd drop to her knees in public.

It was fascinating how firm his hold was on her but never painful. The way his tongue moved and tasted her. The sounds he made: all of it.

As her hips naturally started to move, Samuel did the same. Rae had no choice but to break the kiss and moan into the air. Her grip on his hair pulling him closer to her.

His lips kissing down her chest, her cleavage still exposed from her outfit.

She gasped as he suddenly switched their positions as if she weighed nothing. The weight of his hands resting on either side of her head making the bed dip. His body pressing firmly in between her legs as her curls splayed all around her.

"You are so beautiful," Samuel said down at her, "I couldn't say it earlier when I saw you."

"You didn't have to," she smiled at him before he smiled back and leaned down to keep kissing her. She couldn't help however loud she was as his hand now slowly dragged up her thigh. Feeling her soft skin and enjoying every second before going under the material of the skirt.

Knowing what he was going to ask, she grabbed his wrist to keep his hand there. Barely moving away to speak, "touch me," she begged once again. Now leaning up on her free elbow she was the one to continue their kiss. She felt like she was running a mental triathlon: ignoring her insecurities about the way she might look right now, overthinking if he's actually enjoying himself and practicing self control.

Her small groans at Samuel kissing her back much more soft. His hand remaining on her thigh and some of his fingertips were under her panties.


A rush of cold wind, chilled her front as he leaned further back and removed his hand from under her skirt.

"Sam," she gritted, her hands fisting her comforter as he sat upright to admire how she looked. Her frustration, flushed cheeks, and how much she arched her back. The position they were in forced him to remove his hands fully from feeling her. Watching her full of desire and now protesting his actions without having to say a word.

Laughing lightly, he slid a hand underneath her neck to pull her upright. Making a small gasp from shock, her hands landed on his shoulders as she looked down. Her sitting on his lap in this position and feeling his excitement. She slowly looked back up to see his arched eyebrow.

"Rae," he said her name in a lighthearted tone, but his voice still deep and sensual.

Between the pressure still built up to now knowing he felt the same, she couldn't help but to continue. Leaning forward to kiss him again although she felt the side of his face against hers.

He just dodged her to hug her...

"What're you doing?" She asked him, her voice now whiny as she intended. Unable to not return it, she rested her chin on his shoulder. At this point, she was fully aware that he wasn't going to do anything else. She wasn't entirely sure if it was because he wasn't interested but that was her insecurities planting a seed. Maybe because they were drunk?

Rationally, she could admit that it was really sweet to not want to do anything since they both drank a lot.

Right now she wasn't rational: she was kind of irritated.

Gently laying her back on her bed he couldn't help but laugh and she crossed her arms and turned her head to the side.

"Do you have any extra toothbrushes?"

"Why are you asking?" Her brown eyes locked onto his, "aren't you about to leave?" Samuel could easily detect the attitude in her tone. For some reason, it made him fight the urge to laugh, "did you want me to?"

His voice low as she could feel how much closer he was than before. All she did was point one finger towards her bathroom, and before she was able to put it back, Samuel grabbed it. Feeling her trying to tug free but calming as he placed a small kiss at the tip of her finger. Then she felt him get off the bed and heard the bathroom door click.

She was now staring at the door since the water was running for so long, Rae genuinely thought he passed out in the bathroom.

Standing up, she headed towards it before gently knocking. Samuel opened the door, only for her to watch him spitting out the toothpaste before he continued brushing his teeth. She could smell her face wash scent: faint fruit smell.

"You just helped yourself, didn't you?" Her question making him laugh as she made her way inside the bathroom to start doing the same. "Mhmm," he barely managed to get out before rinsing.

Reaching for a hair ties, she started to pull her hair back so she could brush her teeth and wash her face. Putting it up in a ponytail, she reached across him to brush her teeth. Ignoring his eyes still on her and deciding to use her hip to bump him out of the way. His soft chuckles sounded far away as she began washing her face.

Assuming he was gone from the silence she heard, she calmly reached for her face towel.

Pausing as she realized it wasn't there... slowly opening one eye all she could see, was him just smiling and holding up the towel, "Samuel." He handed the towel without an issue as she now dried her face. "Let me," he said softly as all Rae could do is stare at him.

"Let you what?" Her eyebrows scrunched as he now stood behind her. She stared at him in the reflection of the mirror, admiring his height and broad shoulders as he reached to open the medicine cabinet. "Put on your moisturizer," he smiled, "what do you put on first?"

She gulped, knowing her drugstore brand was not even close to as nice as his. "Isn't that weird?" She turned to look up at him while he shook his head.

"What do you use first?"

"Well sometimes I use the sunscreen like in the daytime but at night... just the moisturizer. The other stuff is um- face masks," her voice growing more quiet as she waved her hand to motion to it. Grabbing her shoulders gently, he sat her on her toilet lid. Now shy, she watched as he grabbed her stuff and began reading the ingredients.

Before she was able to overthink Samuel was standing in front of her. Rae just continued to look up at him or else she'd be staring straight at the zipper of his pants. Samuel's content smile making her heart beat faster as his hand gently grabbed her chin. "This won't do," he said playfully sucking his teeth. Leaning over, his face now on her level, "don't," she put a hand up to cover his mouth.

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