Chapter 2

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Stiles stayed outside for a little bit longer, getting lost in the sounds of nature. Now that he knew about werewolves, he was less afraid of what could happen to him at night, especially in Beacon Hills. A bit of time passed before he eventually decided it was time to head back into the house and by that time, the meeting was over. As soon as he re-entered the living room, Scott had continuously given him weird looks as everyone said their goodbyes. But he didn't say anything so Stiles didn't ask if Scott was alright.

He didn't want to annoy his supposed best friend any further than what he perceived he already had. The pack left the house together and got into each of their vehicles with Scott and Stiles heading to Stiles' Jeep. The atmosphere in the cab was incommodious as they settled in silence and Stiles began driving. Scott was the first one to break it.

"Stiles, did you say anything to Derek?" Scott's voice was unnaturally dark, his tone even and smooth and equally unsettling judging from the chills running down Stiles' spine. He briefly looked at Scott and the almost evil expression he had made Stiles' blood run cold. He quickly turned his head back to the road and focused on it.

His hands gripped the steering wheel tight enough that a little bit of white colouring started to appear on the top of his knuckles. "No, I didn't. Why?" He tried to keep his voice even and light-hearted. He didn't want to give away how nervous he was. He hoped to God that Scott didn't notice his tense posture but he didn't see Scott side-eyeing him, taking note of everything Stiles did from his posture to the chemo signals in his scent to detect any changes.

"Okay." Scott nodded and turned his head back to the road briefly. "I ask because he brought up that I was treating you like my personal lap dog." Out of the corner of his eye, Stiles could see that Scott had resumed looking at him. 'You are.' Stiles thought but he was never going to admit that. Not when he was in such close proximity with claws that could easily kill him. Nor did he want to take on another alpha. A true alpha at that.

Stiles bit his lip nervously. Either Cora had said something or somehow Derek had overheard their conversation and, therefore, spoke to Scott and brought his attention to it. It wouldn't surprise Stiles in the slightest if Derek had overhead and done exactly that. 'Stupid Sourwolf.' Stiles silently cursed the older wolf. "I don't know where he got that from. Seriously, I don't, Scott." Again, Stiles briefly looked at Scott. He tried to control his heartbeat to make it more quiescent but it didn't seem to want to listen tonight.

Scott only nodded and remained quiet as he looked out the passenger window. Stiles had a funny, more so a dreadful, feeling that Scott didn't believe him. Before Scott had the chance to say anything else, they stopped outside his house much to Stiles' relief. Both boys were quiet as Scott stared at Stiles, clearly wanting to say more but decided against it and got out of the Jeep. "I'll see you later, Stiles." He said in an ominously calm voice. He eyed Stiles once more before closing the door and walked up the path to his front door. Stiles was visibly disturbed after seeing the dark expression Scott's face held.

He put the Jeep in drive and headed back to his house. The small drive managed to help calm his nerves as he pulled into the driveway, thankful to be returning home by at least 1 am. He parked his Jeep and sat there for a few minutes to rest his eyes and let his mind catch up on what it had just experienced and to finally revel in the little bit of peace he got to himself. He eventually opened his eyes and got out, locked his Jeep and turned to face the direction of his front door. He paused when he spotted the Camaro and blinked.

'Why is Derek here? Oh, God, please don't tell me my dad got hurt. Or worse.' Stiles panicked and ran to the door. He flung it open and ran into the house, panic already making itself known. He heard footsteps and without checking to see who it was, Stiles grabbed the baseball bat sitting in the umbrella stand and started to swing it, only to be met by someone catching it. And that someone turned out to be none other than Derek himself.

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