Chapter 20

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Derek kept checking on Stiles on the drive over to his house. He kept an ear out for a potential drop in his heartbeat, never once not listening to it steadily thump away and circulate Stiles' blood. Thankfully, it remained steady as he pulled into the driveway and parked. He got out and opened the passenger door and carefully lifted Stiles out and carried him to the front door. He was about to knock when the door opened as soon as he got to it.

"Scott told me, he came to see me." Noah spoke, relief seeping from him physically and pheromonally.

Derek nodded and stepped into the house. "We managed to get to him in time."

"What about the pack? That kidnapped him?" Noah asked as he shut the door behind Derek. "Scott said to ask you about it."

"They're dealt with. They won't be bothering us anymore. Stiles is safe now." Derek said as he set Stiles on the sofa and sat beside him. There was an air of tension around him that Noah picked up on instantly.

"There's something you're not telling me." He said quietly, watching Derek.

Derek sighed and nodded. "There is. You might want to sit down." He waited until Noah was indeed sat and began to explain. "It wasn't just Cadence's pack. There's something else at play."

"Did you find out what it was?" Noah's eyebrows furrowed together.

"No. We didn't get a chance to. All we know is they tried to use Cadence's pack as a way to kill Stiles." He said quietly. "And there's something to do with Stiles himself."

"Go on." Noah eyed Derek suspiciously.

"Stiles is a druid. A Lupinear, to be specific." Derek watched Noah.

Noah sat frozen, staring at Derek. About a minute of silence passed before he spoke. "What did you say?" His voice was quiet with a slight tinge of fear in it.

"He's a Lupinear." Derek repeated. Noah took a sharp intake of breath and got up, pacing about in the room. Derek narrowed his eyes. "You know more than you're letting on." He reiterated Noah's words.

Noah sighed again and sat back down. "It runs in the family. On my side and his mother's. When my dad told me about it, I didn't believe it. But he told me that it was real and that I would get my powers when I turned eighteen. So, I eagerly waited for when I would get them. Hearing about the family legacy we had, I was looking forward to when it happened. But nothing did.

I started to resent my father because they never appeared. I resented him more after everything he had done. It felt like he filled my head with all this bullshit about powers and being important. I was hoping it would be some myth my side of the family had and that Stiles wouldn't be one but......... here we are."

"So it's in also your lineage?" Derek asked.

Noah nodded. "I was really hoping it would skip him. Since it skipped me." He said quietly.

"Why?" Derek frowned.

"Because being a Lupinear......... I'm guessing you know what words it's a mix of?"

"The Wolf and the moon."

"Which means he's a wolf druid. So he has some wolf-like abilities. And with these abilities, it also means that he will only settle with one person for the rest of his life."

"Like a mate." Derek spoke softly.

"Like a mate." Noah confirmed. "But if he doesn't find one......... Not finding a mate takes a toll on Lupinears. It'll drive him crazy. And he'll either become a recluse and no one will ever see him again. Or he'll become a dark and twisted Lupinear. A Lupinear darach."

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