Chapter 18

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Derek's blood ran cold.

'No. No fucking way. She couldn't have predicted Stiles' death. There is no fucking way that is possible.' His thoughts screamed at him.

"Do you have a track on him?" Scott asked quickly, slipping into Alpha mode.

Lydia nodded. "I know exactly where he is." She had already grabbed her coat and was now headed for the door. The rest of the pack followed her and quickly got into their separate vehicles as Lydia jumped in one and drove away, following her.

"Scott's going to find out." Isaac warned Derek, watching him. He had gotten into the Camaro with him.

"I know. But Stiles will want to tell him himself. It has to be when Stiles is ready. I'm not worried about him finding out as long as he won't be a dick about it. It'll crush Stiles." Derek responded. His hands gripped the steering wheel so tight his knuckles turned white.

"Yeah......... Let's hope that's the case." Isaac sighed.

"Yeah." Derek said quietly and a silence settled in the car. "So, you and Cora, huh?"

Isaac's head whipped around to stare at Derek in shock. "What do you mean me and Cora?"

"You know exactly what I mean." Derek responded. He needed this to distract himself.

Isaac was still in shock as he stared at Derek. He opened his mouth a few times while trying to search for the right words before he sighed and conceded. "Okay, yes, I'm interested in Cora and we've gone on a few dates. Sue me but she's one of the best women I've ever met."

"So you really care about her?"

Isaac nodded. "I do."

"Enough to get serious with her?"

Derek saw Isaac eye him suspiciously in the corner of his eyes. "Depends on what you define serious."

"I mean eventually getting married, getting a house, maybe having kids, things like that." Sue Derek but he wanted to make sure his sister would be safe. He trusted Isaac but he didn't want either of them to get hurt.

Isaac was quiet for a moment. "Yeah, maybe. If she wants to. It's too early to tell yet, we want to take things slow. That's something for us to discuss later."

Derek nodded, somewhat satisfied with Isaac's answer. "That's good." He said quietly. "Just don't hurt her. She's been through enough hurt already." 'And don't hurt yourself.'

Isaac nodded. "I won't. I promise."

Derek nodded once more. They settled into a comfortable silence this time, remaining quiet for the remainder of the drive. Soon, the line of cars pulled over and parked on the side of the road as Lydia got out of hers and headed in what felt like a familiar direction. The others quickly followed suit, staying close to her. The pack came to a stop a few minutes later, staring at the entrance to where Stiles was being held.

"Why are we here? Isn't this the entrance to the dread doctors' lab?" Mason asked, confused.

"Yeah, it is." Scott spoke with a frown. "Which makes me wonder why they would bring Stiles here."

Derek was about to reply when he got a whiff of Stiles' scent. And judging from the looks on the other werecreatures' faces, they smelt it, too. "He's definitely here. Them as well." He spoke darkly. Cadence would pay for what she did to Stiles.

"Let's go. Stiles' scent is getting weaker; we need to get him now." Scott said and crossed the threshold into the tunnels. The pack quickly followed.

As they walked, no one dared to speak. They were too focused on finding Stiles and were hypervigilant of their surroundings. They needed to keep an eye out for Stiles and for any sounds that would indicate to where he was exactly.

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