Chapter 28

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Derek woke up in the morning before Stiles this time, the latter happily cuddled up in the blankets with Derek and sleeping soundly. He lazily blinked his eyes open and looked over to his sleeping boyfriend's face, a soft smile appearing on his lips as he enjoyed the quiet.

He continued to watch Stiles sleep. He couldn't find it in his heart to wake him up just yet. Stiles deserved to have some rest given what he had been through. And it was peaceful lying with him and hearing the birds chirping outside after the sun rose.

A few minutes later, Stiles slowly began to wake up, yawning softly as he blinked his eyes open and stretched before he looked around and focused on Derek. He smiled and leaned up to kiss him before settling down, resting his head on Derek's shoulder and his arm against Derek's chest.

Derek chuckled softly. "Good morning to you, too." He said. "How're you feeling?"

"I feel good." He hummed. "I enjoyed talking last night." He looked up at Derek.

"Good." Derek watched his boyfriend. "I enjoyed it as well. I haven't really talked about my personal life like that before."

"I'm glad you trusted me to open up to." Stiles said gently, kissing Derek again before he relaxed into him and snuggled into his chest.

Derek smiled and held Stiles close. "We need to go see Deaton and the pack today." He spoke, his voice gentle. "We need to start training you."

Stiles sighed. "This is going to be hard, isn't it?" He asked quietly, meeting Derek's eyes.

"At first. But once you start to tap into your power, it'll get easier to control." Derek ran a hand through Stiles' hair.

Stiles sighed again and nodded, sitting up. He kissed Derek before getting out of bed. "I'm gonna shower." He said as he grabbed some clean clothes and headed into the bathroom. Derek got up and got changed into his clothes after finding the bag he had a feeling Cora had delivered.

It didn't take long until Stiles was walking back through the door, freshly showered and rubbing his towel over his hair. "Oh, good, you found the bag Cora delivered yesterday." He smiled.

Derek nodded, smiling softly. "I thought she might have." He hummed, slipping his clean shirt on. He noticed Stiles watching him and smirked. "You can stare at my abs later, babe. We need to go."

Stiles blushed immediately and looked away. Derek chuckled and grabbed his phone, sending a message to the pack chat.

D: Pack meeting at the house in thirty. Make sure everyone's there.

A few reactions and replies sounded before Derek put his phone away. "Aright, let's go." He said and grabbed his keys and jacket.

"Wait, don't we need to get Deaton?" Stiles asked as he followed Derek out of his bedroom.

Derek shook his head. "He's on his way." He said as they headed down the stairs.

"Staying for breakfast, boys?" Noah asked from the living room.

"No, we've got a pack meeting. Sorry, Dad." Stiles said and walked over, hugging his father. "We'll be back for dinner, though."

Noah smiled and nodded. "Be safe." He hummed and the boys both headed out, driving to the pack house. When they arrived, Stiles eyed up the line of cars and Scott's bike. "Huh, there's a new car here. Wonder who it belongs to."

"I don't know." Derek mused. "I haven't seen that car around before." He said as he got out of the car. He walked around to Stiles' side before Stiles could open the door and opened it for him.

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