Chapter 12

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It took a few minutes for the boys to get ready, making themselves presentable to the world before they headed downstairs where the smell of breakfast was strong.

"Morning, Dad." Stiles hummed as he and Derek took a seat.

"Morning, son." Noah smiled.

"Morning, Noah." Derek greeted the elder Stilinski.

"Morning, Derek. Did you two sleep well?"

"We did, actually. I slept a lot better than usual." Stiles smiled.

"Good." Noah smiled, happy that his son seemed to be finally getting some decent rest. He served breakfast and the three of them enjoyed it in a comfortable atmosphere. After breakfast was finished with, Stiles and Derek headed back up to his bedroom where they cuddled and talked about some personal things, getting to know each other better.

They were currently sitting on Stiles' desk chair with Stiles wrapped up in Derek's hold when Noah came to knock on the bedroom door again, making both boys look up. "Cora's here."

Stiles frowned and got up so Derek could get up as well. "I wonder what Cora wants."

"No idea." Derek hummed and kissed Stiles on the cheek. "I'll see you later, okay?"

Stiles looked at Derek. "You're not leaving, are you?" He gave Derek his best puppy eyes.

Derek smiled softly and kissed his boyfriend again, this time on the lips. "I have to go check and see if that pack has overstepped any boundaries. Besides, I have to go and see what Cora wants."

Stiles kept up the pout. "I don't want you to go. Cuddle me instead." He grumbled.

Derek laughed. "As tempting as that is, I have to make sure our pack is safe. You, in particular." He hummed and kissed Stiles again. "I'll be back later, I promise. We can cuddle to your heart's content."

"You better." Stiles huffed. "I'm missing out on my daily cuddles." He looked up at Derek with a fake angry look. It only made Derek laugh again and lean forward to give Stiles another kiss.

"I promise I will be. You can kick my ass if I don't make good on that promise." He smiled fondly.

Stiles grinned. "I will happily hold you to that, Sourwolf."

Derek rolled his eyes playfully. "Of course you'd say that."

"Give me an inch, I'll take a mile." Stiles grinned. "Go see what Cora wants, I'll be waiting." Stiles leaned up to kiss Derek before shooing him out of his bedroom.

Cora chuckled as she watched her brother walk down the stairs. "Finally made your move, huh?" She smirked.

Derek rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He responded, lightly blushing and avoided his sister's question. "How come you're here?"

"Scott wants to meet up with you."

"Pack meeting?"

Cora shook her head. "No, he just wants to talk to you."

Derek frowned but nodded. "We should get going then."

"Not without a proper goodbye kiss." Stiles said as he came down the stairs with Derek's leather jacket wrapped around him. Cora had to admit, it was a cute sight to see. Her brother definitely scored with Stiles.

Derek immediately smiled and turned to face his lover. "Of course you'd say that." He said fondly and chuckled when Stiles walked straight into his arms. Derek wrapped his own around Stiles and kissed him softly. "I promise I'll be back later, Stiles." He ran a hand over Stiles' cheekbone after the kiss.

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