Chapter 6

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Another couple of hours passed by when Noah spoke to Stiles again. "Stiles, it's 5:00 pm. I think it's time you stopped; you've been working on that for the whole day."

Derek nodded in agreement. "He's right. Take a break. You've been steadily typing away for the last couple of hours." For some reason, Derek hadn't left yet, not that Stiles was complaining; he was enjoying the company. He felt safe and protected with Derek.

"I'm finished anyway, just let me hand it in." Stiles quickly finished up the last of his essay before he submitted it and closed all the apps and various tabs he had open and turned off his laptop. He sat up and gathered his papers before he stood, laptop in hand. "I'm gonna go put my laptop on charge." He ambled his way up the stairs and into his bedroom. He set his papers and laptop on his desk and began hunting for his charger, soon finding it and plugged his laptop in. He paused when he heard footsteps and looked up in time to see Derek had followed him and was leaning against the doorframe.

"How are you doing, Stiles?" He asked softly as he folded his arms across his chest. Stiles tried hard to ignore how hot it made Derek.

He paused once the question registered in his mind and stared at Derek in shock. He hadn't expected him of all people to ask that question and he hated how off guard it caught him. "Oh, um............ I'm alright, I guess, considering everything that's happened lately. Just a bit shaken up with the new pack coming in and Scott's sudden change in behaviour but other than that, I'm okay." He faced Derek, giving him his full attention.

Derek nodded and entered Stiles' room and shut the door. Stiles immediately frowned, his guard rising as Derek walked over to Stiles' bed and sat on the edge of it. He motioned for Stiles to sit down as well. "Derek, what's going on?" He asked as he sat in his desk chair.

Derek sighed, looking at his hands before looking back at Stiles. "It seems as though you're a complete stranger to Scott." He murmured, his voice a gentle tone to try and help ease whatever restless emotions Stiles would feel after hearing that. "We were talking earlier after the pack meeting and he kept complaining about why everybody said you were so important to him and the pack. Something's happened and whatever it is, I have a feeling it's something to do with the new pack."

Stiles stiffened and froze in shock. His best friend had forgotten him? It was like a repeat with the ghost riders except this time, it seemed only his best friend, his brother, had forgotten him. While that provided some relief to Stiles, it still hurt. He and Scott had been through so much together and now, Scott was acting like he didn't even know him. "So what do we do now?" He eventually spoke.

"The rest of the pack still remember you, so that's one less thing to worry about. But we need to figure out why this has happened. And with that pack in town, we're not going to have as much time to do so. So, for the time being, we decided that it would be best for you to go somewhere safe until we deal with Cadence and figure this out."

Stiles defrosted and stared at Derek with an incredulous look. "What? No! No, I refuse to accept that. I can help you figure out what's going on. I can take care of myself. I can help." He began to argue, feeling very offended.

"Stiles, it's dangerous at the moment, especially for you. We don't want Scott doing anything to you and giving the pack another reason to think they can take over." Derek watched Stiles with a grave look. "I'm not saying you can't handle yourself, we all know you can. And it's not just you we're making stay home, the others are also staying home. We all want the pack to be safe."

Stiles was quiet, holding Derek's gaze. He knew Derek was being sincere because of the vulnerability that had blossomed over the otherwise grumpy features. He eventually sighed and nodded, running a hand over his face. "Fine. I'll stay home. But you better not sideline me when you need help making plans." He yawned and stretched. "I'm gonna take a nap, are you staying for dinner?"

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