Chapter 15

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Isaac groaned in pain as he slowly regained consciousness, wincing when he heard someone yell his name. He blinked to get used to the sudden light in his eyes and everything slowly came into focus, showing Isaac that it was Noah calling his name and hovering over him.

"Isaac, can you hear me?" Noah asked worriedly. Isaac nodded and slowly managed to lift himself into a sitting position. He winced in pain and held his head as a pounding headache started to make itself known. It disappeared almost as quick after his healing kicking in.

"Yeah, I can hear you." He said, his voice severely strained. He coughed. "Water, please?"

Noah nodded and quickly disappeared into the kitchen and came back with a glass. "Here." He said gently, passing it to Isaac. "What happened? Where's Stiles?"

Isaac blinked, his brain taking a few moments to kick into gear as he drank the water before the memories hit him. "It was the new pack. I don't remember the alpha's name but it was her. They attacked us, smashed one of the windows in the laundry. A few of them kept me preoccupied while they took Stiles. I wasn't strong enough to stop them." Isaac quickly stood. "We have to find him, now. I don't know what they have planned but from how they were acting, I have a feeling it's something bad."

"Isaac, wait. Calm down. You can't find him without the others. We have to let the pack know, especially Derek." Noah stopped Isaac from leaving.

Isaac stopped, registering Noah's words after he started to calm down. "Yeah. Yeah, you're right. I need to sit down." Isaac winced as he walked to the sofa and sat down. Somehow his leg had been injured.

"I'll call Melissa first so she can look at your leg. Then I'll call Derek." Noah watched Isaac with worry.

Isaac didn't fight it and nodded. He watched Noah pull out his phone and dial Melissa's number. He closed his eyes for what he thought were a few seconds but were actually a few minutes. He jumped when a hand touched him out of nowhere, shaking him awake.

"Easy, Isaac, it's just me." Melissa said softly, her voice calming and soothing. "Can you tell me what your injuries are?"

Isaac bent forward and pulled up his pant leg, revealing a nasty wound. "This one is the worst. I'll heal, it'll just take a little bit of time." He sighed. It probably wouldn't heal until Stiles was safe and back with the pack. "I'm not sure if there's anything you can do."

Melissa smiled. "I can try stitching it together, help ease the pain a little." She offered. "It'll be dissolvable stitches as well."

Isaac smiled softly. "I think it might be best to just let it heal naturally. I'll be careful."

"Alright. I will be keeping a close eye on it to make sure it is healing, okay?"

Isaac nodded, touched from the concern. "Thanks, Melissa." He looked to Noah. "Have you called Derek?"

"I was just about to." Noah fished out his phone and dialled Derek's number. He frowned when there was no pickup on the first call so he tried again, then a third time. He got sent straight to voicemail each time. He ended up calling six times before giving up. "I can't get an answer." He sighed.

"Shit." Isaac quickly fished his own phone out. "Hopefully he sees my texts and your calls." He spoke as he quickly sent out and rested against the sofa. Hopefully Derek would check his phone soon.

Derek sighed as he entered the forest from the Hale house and headed to the clearing Scott told him to meet at. For some reason, he couldn't shake the feeling that either something terrible was going to happen or that it had already happened. Call it intuition but he did not like the gut wrenching terror he was feeling. The sooner they were done with the check tonight, the better.

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