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That night, everyone decided to stay at Derek's house, including Noah. He didn't want to leave Stiles alone, especially after the crash.

Stiles climbed into Derek's bed, happily warm and comfortable in his pyjamas with a hoodie of Derek's that he may or may not have stolen. Derek was also getting ready for bed, stripping down to a t-shirt and his boxers while Stiles scrolled through his phone. He set it down when Derek climbed into bed and curled up to him. Derek wrapped an arm around Stiles and pulled him closer.

"Stiles?" Derek asked softly when Stiles laid his head on his chest.

"Mm?" Stiles responded, looking up to his boyfriend's eyes.

"Can you try taking me into the Shadow Realm?" He asked quietly. An air of vulnerability surrounded Derek like a softly glowing aura.

"Of course." Stiles said softly and kissed him. The kiss lasted for a few seconds, slow and gentle, before pulling apart. "Lay on your back and hold my hand. Close your eyes, it'll feel like falling asleep."

Derek nodded and listened to Stiles, gripping his hand. It was clear the poor thing was nervous.

"Breathe, babe. You're okay. I've got you." Stiles said gently and kissed his cheek. The touch and words of Stiles comforted the wolf and Derek visibly relax. Stiles smiled softly and laid down as well, feeling his magic flow through him. He closed his eyes and let it take him under, letting it pull him into a trance-like state. He directed the same magic to Derek to pull him in as well.

Soon, the connection between the two rooted them together, allowing the connection to the Shadow Realm to bloom. Stiles blinked lazily awake, looking around to see himself wrapped in Derek's arms as they laid in the sun on one of the beach chairs. Stiles looked up to see his boyfriend staring out at the ocean and smiled softly.

"You look gorgeous in the sun." He said softly.

Derek smiled gently, still looking out at the ocean. "I forgot how peaceful it is here." His voice was soft. "It's been a long time. It seems that everything is still the same as I remember it."

Stiles kept up his happy smile and settled his head back on Derek's shoulder. "Do you still have the house in the Hale name?"

"Yeah, we do, but Cora and I haven't been up here in a long time because............" He trailed off.

"It's okay." Stiles said gently. "You don't have to explain."

"It feels good being back here." Derek spoke softly. "Maybe we'll come here as a pack."

"I think the pack would like that a lot." Stiles smiled, looking back up at Derek.

"Boys! Time to come in!" A woman's voice sounded.

"Who was that?" Derek frowned, meeting Stiles' eyes.

"My mom. It seems she's staying here with your family." Stiles said before he yawned and sat up, stretching. "We should go."

Derek nodded and they both got up. Stiles gazed up at the house with a soft look, feeling slightly attached to it because of Derek. Derek took a hold of Stiles' hand and pulled him into his body, wrapping an arm around Stiles' shoulders as they headed towards the house.

"Oh, God, I'm meeting your mother." Derek suddenly said, coming to a standstill just past the front door.

Stiles laughed. "You're going to be fine." He smiled. "She loves you already."

"She does?" Derek asked, uncertainty shining in his eyes.

"Mhm." Stiles smiled. "But that doesn't mean she won't interrogate you."

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